Double Din from Japan on ebay???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Double Din from Japan on ebay????


Well-Known Member
June 4, 2007
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Regina, Saskatchewan,Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT
Anyone ever buy one of the double dins from ebay that come from japan and china? They are only $250-400 much less than a $1000+ from alpine or kenwood.

I'm thinking about it.

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you should be fine as far as it actually working...

the only thing you have to watch is alot of those are stolen

I just got one and it works great. $233 with overnight shipping from China. It is a double din 6.5 in. DVD. Works and looks great. I got mine on Ebay from Eonon. They do not come with mounting kits though.
Jared G.

I got a Legacy 6.2" doubledin in the spring. I know it may not last forever, but it was really inexpensive. My only problems are not every dvd will play in it because it is made in China and some are not formatted to work in foreign dvd players, and to mount it, I had to drill out the bracket on the factory hu and screw them to the new one.

I want one, can someone give me more info on where i can get this? and the name of the unit.

I went with the new JVC DVD with 3.5 inch screen. I paid alot more but it was easy to install and the thing has many opions. I love it so far. Plus no worries about dvd's not playing. I can hook up my flash drive and it has bluetooth for the hands free cell phone which is kickass. Plus I can take the face plate off. With the double din I couldnt take the face off. I recommend the JVC.

Yeah, got to Ebay and check out Eonon. They have lots of options.
