Dreaded Timing Chain Rattle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dreaded Timing Chain Rattle


New Member
June 13, 2022
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City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Sport Trac XLT
Hey to the group here!

I have the timing chain rattle and verified that my timing cassettes are broken during a valve cover gasket replacement. What I'd like to know is if any members on this forum can point me in the right direction for mechanics experienced with this issue in the Seattle area? I know dealerships will do the replacement, but I'm looking for a better price than that. Ive called around to a few and most places don't want to touch it because you have to remove the motor to get to the passenger side cassette.

Any help with an experienced mechanic in the Seattle area would be awesome, thanks!

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welcoem to EF! how far ya willin to drive? know you wont come down here to SoCal, but i know of maybe someone out in the PNW

welcoem to EF! how far ya willin to drive? know you wont come down here to SoCal, but i know of maybe someone out in the PNW
Thanks for the welcome!

A far drive in the PNW would mean that the job could be done in a day, maybe a weekend? If there's good MTB trails around maybe! I'm just looking for a no BS type job, unfortunately I lost my garage and cherry picker in a divorce and currently can't do this type of work myself living in an apartment.

So...where in the PNW?

Thanks for the welcome!

A far drive in the PNW would mean that the job could be done in a day, maybe a weekend? If there's good MTB trails around maybe! I'm just looking for a no BS type job, unfortunately I lost my garage and cherry picker in a divorce and currently can't do this type of work myself living in an apartment.

So...where in the PNW?
if youre lookin for a straight forward guy, i know just who ;) hes in north idaho,not far at all from spokane, not sure how much detail i can divulge about his location, but yeah, maybe 5 hours from ya maybe. not too far imo drive easily done in a day

@410Fortune jamie dont mean to throw ya under the bus, but would you take the job? know ya got lots goin on right now, but let me step in and i cna say jamie does amazing work, and hea a 10/10 guy!!!! would reccomend hands down! i'd do it for ya, but im quite far!!! jamie has plenty of experience with all the explorers, so hes your go to guy out there! may i interest you in a v8 swap ;) ;) his specialty

if youre lookin for a straight forward guy, i know just who ;) hes in north idaho,not far at all from spokane, not sure how much detail i can divulge about his location, but yeah, maybe 5 hours from ya maybe. not too far imo drive easily done in a day

@410Fortune jamie dont mean to throw ya under the bus, but would you take the job? know ya got lots goin on right now, but let me step in and i cna say jamie does amazing work, and hea a 10/10 guy!!!! would reccomend hands down! i'd do it for ya, but im quite far!!! jamie has plenty of experience with all the explorers, so hes your go to guy out there! may i interest you in a v8 swap ;) ;) his specialty
Jumping back into this. I would totally welcome a drive over to Idaho, there some good MTB trails out there I could hit up. I just need to get this fixed and nobody wants to touch it!

Jumping back into this. I would totally welcome a drive over to Idaho, there some good MTB trails out there I could hit up. I just need to get this fixed and nobody wants to touch it!
why wont anyone touch it? which chain is it rattling? the front or rear? if its the front iirc engine cna stay in? @410Fortune can you confirm and advise OP?

why wont anyone touch it? which chain is it rattling? the front or rear? if its the front iirc engine cna stay in? @410Fortune can you confirm and advise OP?
Front and rear need replaced. And I imagine since your in there, the jackshaft maybe as well. Since the prices for new and used cars skyrocketed recently, city mechanics are really picky about the jobs they take on. I'm also considering a crate motor swap as well. Any of these options are cheaper than buying another truck at this point.

Front and rear need replaced. And I imagine since your in there, the jackshaft maybe as well. Since the prices for new and used cars skyrocketed recently, city mechanics are really picky about the jobs they take on. I'm also considering a crate motor swap as well. Any of these options are cheaper than buying another truck at this point.
how many miles? if its on the lower end for the sohc just a timing job will make it go far

why wont anyone touch it? which chain is it rattling? the front or rear? if its the front iirc engine cna stay in? @410Fortune can you confirm and advise OP?
Unfortunately, its such a bear to get to that rear timing chain, the the motor has to be lifted out to get to that rear set. At least, that has been my experience with them so far. My guides are broken somewhere as well. I get a slight rattle on start up. I'm riding it out for now as my shop has been too busy to get it in there. I'm just a one bay repair shop, so I always put my customer's cars ahead of mine until I can't anymore. Good luck with your search. I'm sure there is someone out that way that will do the job and have the timing tool set for the 4.0 motor. I've put mine to work a few times over the last couple years on other customer's mustangs, explorers, and rangers here in Phoenix.

Unfortunately, its such a bear to get to that rear timing chain, the the motor has to be lifted out to get to that rear set. At least, that has been my experience with them so far. My guides are broken somewhere as well. I get a slight rattle on start up. I'm riding it out for now as my shop has been too busy to get it in there. I'm just a one bay repair shop, so I always put my customer's cars ahead of mine until I can't anymore. Good luck with your search. I'm sure there is someone out that way that will do the job and have the timing tool set for the 4.0 motor. I've put mine to work a few times over the last couple years on other customer's mustangs, explorers, and rangers here in Phoenix.
yes the front is essy to r&r in but the rear is not must be done engine out. but it doesnt seme much more laborious than other jobs except that you need the timing tools

yes the front is essy to r&r in but the rear is not must be done engine out. but it doesnt seme much more laborious than other jobs except that you need the timing tools
Yeah, I've called almost all of my local shops and they don't want to touch it saying it would be too expensive. The dealer would though at an almost 8K premium!

Yeah, I've called almost all of my local shops and they don't want to touch it saying it would be too expensive. The dealer would though at an almost 8K premium!
thats expensive!!!!!! if its the front chain thats pretty easy, havent done the rear yet fingers crossed my originals still holding together well.

thats expensive!!!!!! if its the front chain thats pretty easy, havent done the rear yet fingers crossed my originals still holding together well.
Its front and back. Such a stupid design to place the timing bank in the back. If they were both in the front I'd have this done already. Apartment living doesn't give me the opportunity to pull an engine out in the parking lot

Yeah, I've called almost all of my local shops and they don't want to touch it saying it would be too expensive. The dealer would though at an almost 8K premiuor drive it down

thats expensive!!!!!! if its the front chain thats pretty easy, havent done the rear yet fingers crossed my originals still holding together well.
Well, if you want to ship it down to Phoenix, I can do it parts and labor for around $2000 using a melling timing kit. Shipping should be pretty reasonable since its a runner and it will be a runner afterwards. I'm just finishing up a Genesis motor rebuild and I could get you in about mid September. DM me for contact info.
