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Drivers Door Handle Loose


New Member
September 28, 2006
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Hey Guys,
I have a 97 Ford Explorer XLT and this might seem insignificant but to me it is a real pain the the Butt.

The door handle on the drivers side is loose. Like when you lift up on it to open the door it has no resistance at all until it actually unlatches the door. It just sits there and flopps around when in the resting position.

Can someone give me some advice or at least the reason this is happening?


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That was a nice article about the door handles..I wish he would have gone the "replace the spring" route instead of the whole handle.

That was a nice article about the door handles..I wish he would have gone the "replace the spring" route instead of the whole handle.

The part is fairly cheap ($41 directly from ford) so I went that route.

I've heard though, that the spring isn't hard to find, so I'm sure you could just replace the spring, and nothing else.

Unfortunately, I never really took any pictures of the assembly while it was out, which would have been useful to show the spring.

Basically it looks like about a 1/2" diameter "pigtail" that wraps around about 3-4 times and is straight at either end. Probably hard to visualize.

You can probably search and find some threads about people who've replaced just the spring, and follow my thread, and just substitute replacing the handle with a new one, with changing out the spring. :)

And yeah, it annoyed the hell outta me to, even though it's minor. ;)


Hi I am going through the door lock and blend door fixes (plus the power antenna). I am unclear where the spring attaches on the door fix, and what the spring looks like (any ideas on sources?) Thank you.

1998 Ford Explorer 5.0 Limited

I have my panel off right now to look at the same situation, although mine is worse. The driver door will not open from inside. I have to open the window and open from the outside floppy handle. What I see is the two springs on the inside of the handle. The one on the right side (looking from inside the door) is still there but not connected to anything. What does it hook on to?
And, the worse problem is the door not opening from inside. I pull the handle and there is lots of resistance but the rod does not move. If I shut the door and push the rod toward the latch, it opens. What is missing or broken or dislodged from the handle that would not make it push. Oddly enough.. the was it looks is that it should pull the rod, but I guess not.
Door is apart now.... Need help here too.



Outside of searching thru posts looking for pictures, you could take the panel off the other door (passenger) and see for your self what / how the spring and linkages are setup.

Outside of searching thru posts looking for pictures, you could take the panel off the other door (passenger) and see for your self what / how the spring and linkages are setup.

Very true. That is the plan for tomorrow. I have, though figured out why the inside handle will not open the door. There is a piece of plastic broken off inside the lever. This part slides against the handle when it is pulled and moves the piece the rod is hooked into. With this piece broken, the rod does not move.
Calling the local auto wrecker in the morning to find one.


door latch stuff

My door started acting the same way, having to reach outside to the floppy handle, right before it became difficult to unlock at all. I have taken the panel off of the pass. door and can see the spring, and feel the difference between broken and not. I think I will have to replace the door latch...~$35US through the fastparts network (sponser of board) which they say is ~$10 off of Ford list price...roughly the same after shipping. Anyone have a better source? If you need passenger door latches there is a guy on ebay selling them for ~$9-16. Just search door latch.
