e-brake? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 7, 2002
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so after watching the tray sliding video i started trying to convince my friend to do it in his olds...he wont go for it, yet.....anyway, my question is on the e-brake does it only lock the rear tires? is there a standard for cars like fwd locks the rear and rwd locks the front? whats the x do?

another question, so its icy out and i do a lot of slides, spins, broadies, stuff like that - and i haven't used the e-brake yet, is it bad to use the e-brake? and if i take teh fuse out for abs will i have still have brakes and they wont be abs or what?

thanks for the help

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The e-brake as far as I know is the rear only. I don't have the hand brake for the e-brake, so I'm not about to try and press the pedal and then pull the release. My friend's brother would do it all the time in his WRX in the snow and so did one of my friends. My friend's e-brake started to go screwy on him and wouldn't disengage.

yeah i tried it out yesterday, and when i pressed down on the brake snow came off my shoe and stuck not knowing this i got my foot out of the way and released it and shot snow in my face...lol needless to say the e-brake idea didn't turn out too well...

Shot in your face....inside the car? Or out of the car?

btw, i watched my friend do it last weekend and thats what reminded me i could try it...he got us into the fastest spin i've ever been in, almost got sick. we were in our old highschool parking lot (small private school, generally there's no one there at that time of night) and this suburban came around the corner of the building and we had to leave :( i was sad....any way i'm just curious about the brakes

inside....i leaned down to grab the release and as soon as i pulled on it, the e-brake came up and shot the snow up in my face

That's funny. I haven't used my e-brake, but my friend and are cruised around islands in a parking lot filled with over a foot of powder...sooooo much fun....sucks now that I have auto 4x4....kind of ruins the peeling out around corners....wish I had snow aside so I could do some late-night cruising in neighborhoods.....no one is awake so if you end up in someone's yard you can be out of there without people knowing!! Also wide empty streets can be a blast.

haha, yeah we use the streets when its late out and it has just snowed to go urban skiing (skiing behind cars) so far no ones been hurt...yet but i'm told its highly illegal

only urban skiing casualties:
my friend put a one inch hole in his ski all the way through the ptex to the core and its started to peel his edge off....the next weekend we went i whipped the x around a 90 degree turn and he caught his outer edge on his outer ski on something and broke his bindings...lol he needs new skis anyway

There were some kids from my high school that made a video of that one day...the kid skiing swung into a mailbox and broke it off.

I've done some sledding before, but not skiing behind a car. My brother would use his Rodeo to do that, but hasn't been any good winters for that here in a while.

E-brake is rear only, second gen rears have a mechanical setup for the e-brake dont they? (rear discs, with little mini shoes for e-brake?) If it`s what I`m thinking, you only have so much e-brake there, as opposed to my first gen drum brakes, which use the existing brake shoes, mechanically pushing them outwards.
That means you could wear them out pretty fast, I wouldn`t do it too much, unless it was snow or something that wouldn`t allow them to be riding and wearing.

inside....i leaned down to grab the release and as soon as i pulled on it, the e-brake came up and shot the snow up in my face

I learned to always put my foot on those darn things when releasing from working in lots of mud with lots of different work trucks. The big joke among my co-workers was leaving a big slab of mud on the e-brake pedal for some unlucky guy!

Actually your truck`s manual may even suggest holding it with your foot so it doesn`t spring back, in order to save on wear and tear of the system...

I have rear disks with the e-brake. It's like inside behind the rotor. I was told by the brake place that I needed to get mine replaced....is this hard to do by yourself?

I have rear disks with the e-brake. It's like inside behind the rotor. I was told by the brake place that I needed to get mine replaced....is this hard to do by yourself?

I`ve never done the rear disc brake e-brake myself, but the great thing is, you have the exact same setup on either side. I`ve done alot of drum brake replacements, and I always jack it up, uncover both sides and do one at a time so you always have the other side to look at if you happen to get mixed up (mirror image). Also, take a good look at the setup first, and a manual helps.
You don`t need grade 12 to work in a brake shop do ya? (no offence to high school dropouts and/or brake shop employees intended)


It sure would save me a lot of money if I could just do it myself so hopefully it's not too hard. I haven't researched it on the site yet, so maybe that's my next step

well i played with the e-brake tonight, did some good slides....if i'm on ice when i do this will i wear it out fast?

also, will it sound like normal brakes going out? or how would i know the e-brake is dying?
