ECT Sensor Queastions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ECT Sensor Queastions


Concrete Jungle Explorer
March 9, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
South Plainfield, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 xlt and '92
Hello everyone
My Engine Coolent Temp Gauge isn't working. Last night I took the ECT sensor of my parts explorer that I know works and it didn't make a difference. I then proceded to rip out my instrument cluster to see if the gauge itself is bad. Again i went over to my parts explorer and the same thing happened, (nothing). Checked for the 5 volt referrence coming from the connector, and it is there. so This morning I go over to NAPA and purchase a new ECT sensor (which cost me $35) BUT it ohms out the same as the two old ones. So before I return it. I start reading the haynes manual, it's says that there might be two sensors. one for the PCM and one for the Temp Gauge. So I think that I have been messing around with the sensor that goes to the PCM, but I can't seem to find the one that delivers information to the temp gauge. If any one could shine some light on this and maybe attach some sort of image so I can better understand what it is I am looking for, I will appreciate it greatly. oh, yeah it's a '91 explorer.
Thanks Ed

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You should have this in your Haynes, the water temp sensor feeds the gauge the ECT feeds the computer


    49.6 KB · Views: 11,392

Ah! Yes
very nice...

Still pullin my hair out

well thanks for the quick responce.
I found the water temp sender. and changed it but now my oil presure is reating max high and the fuel gauge reads empty. I have no freakin clue what is going on. Is it possible that either the wire is shorted to something else or that i blew something because i did not disconnect the battery when i chaged the sensor? I greatly appreciate the help.
Thanks Ed

getting somewhere!

Yes I did
but this morning before I came to work a removed the teflon tape that i put on the water temperature sender and the oil pressure gauge and the fuel gauge are working properly now but still no water temp. what gives? I am almost tempted to rip out my whole wiring harness and check it for continuity.
Is there any thing else you guys can think of? Thanks in advance.
Ed :fire:

sounds like your missing a ground somewhere on your instument cluster and perhaps it was getting it from the temperature sensor until you "teflonned" it.


Thanks I will check that out and it seems that i will also tackle that harness and see what the heck is going on in there.

Just a WAG but is there a voltage regulator in the guage cluster on these? If so it could be the source of your problem. Like I said. WAG so if there isn't it is because I am guessing. Other Ford's used to have a dedicated small volt reg right on the back of the cluster and if it failed you could get anything from totally wacky readings to just some fluctuations or bogus fuel level. Clean all grounds, check all connectors for clean and bright contacts.

Are these parts inter-changable ?? I changed my water temp sender but did not change the ECT sensor. My 1998 ford explorer 4.0 is still reading that the engine is over heating.


Do you still have access to the ect chart. Link is not working

