Eddie bauer without leather? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eddie bauer without leather?


Well-Known Member
December 1, 2004
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Algonquin IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 4x4
is there anyway to check the VIN number to see if a explorer is really an eddiebauer or if somone just put all the flares and decals on it??

casue mine looks like an eddie bauer but ive never seen one without leather and mine has cloth.

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intellichoice.com and autos.msn.com lists leather seats as an option for the EB trim and standard for Limited's.

****atoo said:
is there anyway to check the VIN number to see if a explorer is really an eddiebauer or if somone just put all the flares and decals on it??

casue mine looks like an eddie bauer but ive never seen one without leather and mine has cloth.

I am almost positive that leather was standard in '98 EB.

edit: Looking at Edmunds.com, it appears that leather was not standard...

I know '96explorereddiebauer's was cloth. Do you have the Eddie logo on the back?

I just pulled the leather seats out of my Eddie Bauer Explorer and put Eddie Bauer cloth seats back in. They come both ways. cloth and leather. But all of the Eddie Bauer seats have the logo around the head rests on the front bucket seats. Can't hide that. And if it is an Eddie Bauer or Limited, then it will have the auto temp control on the dash and the computer read outs in the console. If it doesn't have those 2 things, then it's not an Eddie Bauer.

Let me know if you are interested in getting some leather seats for it. I have the whole set, full powered in my spare bedroom.

holy crap i was looking for leather EB seats for my Eddie Bauer (which is currently cloth without logo) thing is i wanted leather racing seats...

yeah but my 97 EB has cloth seats without, regular floor mats... but its got the 2 tone exterior, Eddie Baurer pin stripe, "had" JBL Premium stereo, auto temp gauge and computer...

i got all the climate controls and comuter console, got the logos, and the two tone paint, guess mine just came with cloth. i am very intrested in your leather seats. PM a price.

Here are some pictures of my seats. I also have the no longer available Eddie Bauer floor mats.

Here are some pictures I took when I cleaned them up real good using some Zaino's cleaner and then used Zaino's conditioner on them. That stuff works great. No tears at all. These seats are perfect condition.

Back of seats




Rear Seat


Here are the floor mats that you can't get from Ford any more.


Saleen_SR71 said:
the rear mats too? or are there no EB rear floor mats?
They are no longer available through Ford or the Eddie Bauer web site. Every once in awhile you will see a set run through E-Bay. But they are no longer made. I have 2 sets of the tan floor mats. 1 set is brand new, never used and the other set is what I had in my truck when I totalled it. They are also in perfect condition. Also comes with the rear mats.
new - $75 plus shipping
used - $50 plus shipping

The seats are $250 plus shipping.

consider them sold. pm me the shipping price and ill get you the money asap.
