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Engine code questions


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2001
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City, State
Thompson's Stn, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mounty 4.6 AWD
After having my x for 4 days, the transmission shop told me that I only had codes on my truck. Just a few days ago my transmission sprung a leak dumping all the fluid. The shop told me it wasn't a seal that burst. They could not figuer out why it dumped all the fluid.

The codes I have are:

412-Cannot raise RPM, extended Idle

536 Brake on/off, ekt fault

What are they and how do I get them fixed?


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BUMP any help?

The 536 code is from the person scanning the computer failing to press and release the break pedal during the test. The other code usually relates to the idle air controll motor. I don't see how either of these have anything to do with the tranny dumping fluid though.

ok thanks. When I start the truck up, no light is on until it warms up. I really feel a loss of power. Maybe I double check by autozone to see if they get the same codes. Is there anyway to get the system reset so no more codes come up? Also what is the idle motor, and how can i fix that?

The only way to prevent the CEL from being set is to fix the problem that is setting the code. Once repaired it will not set the light. Do a search for IAC and you should find pleanty of information on what it is and how to fix it.
