Exhaust sound/noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust sound/noise

Jus Cruisin

July 19, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Clinton Township MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Explorer - SOLD
After driving this quad tip King Ranch, I'm assuming the exhaust sound is piped in. And, it's kind of over the top. To me, it is way louder than needed. I'm not matting it and the dumb thing sounds like I'm on a ten second quarter mile run. I haven't listened to it taking off from the outside the vehicle but I'm figuring it has the vacuum cleaner sound in reality.

Just my thoughts rattling around my head this morning....

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It’s just a horrible sounding engine and Ford did a miserable job of isolating the noise. It quiets down a tad as it breaks in. My 2021 has the hood insulation and I’m buying the 2020 engine cover in hopes of quitting it down a bit. Next step will be speakers and amp to drown it out.

The actual 3.0 Ecoboost is quiet. I just think the fake engine sounds are too much.

Sorry I’m referring to the 2.3 that has no fake or pumped in noise. I will agree the volume of the pumped in noise on the STs was a bit much for me.

It’s just a horrible sounding engine and Ford did a miserable job of isolating the noise. It quiets down a tad as it breaks in. My 2021 has the hood insulation and I’m buying the 2020 engine cover in hopes of quitting it down a bit. Next step will be speakers and amp to drown it out.

The engine sounds like someone threw some coins in the engine. Pair it with the exhaust rattle some people get and it's quite embarrassing. I actually didn't notice it at all until the first time i gave my co-worker a ride home. She got out and as soon as she opened the door, because i was near a parked car, the noise bounced off the car and all i heard was clickity clack noises lol. It was terrible. Sounded like a diesel a bit.

The engine sounds like someone threw some coins in the engine. Pair it with the exhaust rattle some people get and it's quite embarrassing. I actually didn't notice it at all until the first time i gave my co-worker a ride home. She got out and as soon as she opened the door, because i was near a parked car, the noise bounced off the car and all i heard was clickity clack noises lol. It was terrible. Sounded like a diesel a bit.
I know what you mean. Whenever I remote start it and there are people around when still cold it makes embarassing noises! It settles down after 20 seconds or so.

I installed Borla excaust and all fake sound is gone. I can just drive it in a normal mode and it has a good sound from outside. When I went to do my annual inspection, the workers were pressing hard on gas pedal to hear the sound. The doors were closed to the garage but I still heard my car and saw that they were messing around with it.

I know what you mean. Whenever I remote start it and there are people around when still cold it makes embarassing noises! It settles down after 20 seconds or so.

it became slightly better when I used Castrol magnatec oil however since I got the free oil from motor craft, I used that and the noise came back lol

I installed Borla excaust and all fake sound is gone. I can just drive it in a normal mode and it has a good sound from outside. When I went to do my annual inspection, the workers were pressing hard on gas pedal to hear the sound. The doors were closed to the garage but I still heard my car and saw that they were messing around with it.
I've been looking at the Borla "S" cat-back system. Frankly, the outside sound isn't what I'd like, considering the cost. I like a mild growl when idling and more assertive when I'm leaning on it.

I'm partial to the growl from my EB Mustang, but it's way more modified than the Explorer will ever be.

How was the installation? It looks like it isn't too bad.

I've been looking at the Borla "S" cat-back system. Frankly, the outside sound isn't what I'd like, considering the cost. I like a mild growl when idling and more assertive when I'm leaning on it.

I'm partial to the growl from my EB Mustang, but it's way more modified than the Explorer will ever be.

How was the installation? It looks like it isn't too bad.

I payed an Indi shop 80 bucks to install it for me. It was very heavy and they had 2 people working on it. I also like the look of the car from behind with larger tips then the stock.

I payed an Indi shop 80 bucks to install it for me. It was very heavy and they had 2 people working on it. I also like the look of the car from behind with larger tips then the stock.
But how does it sound? I can get 4" tips for less than a c-note. $1,300 is much moola for better esthetics.

But how does it sound? I can get 4" tips for less than a c-note. $1,300 is much moola for better esthetics.

It sounds much better then the stock exhaust which almost had no sound. I can hear the exhaust sound when driving in normal mode but it is not too loud. The Attack Borla is more raspier then S-Type. Watch U tube videos and you will see the difference or hear the difference.

I don't usually floor it but when you do, you can definitely hear it from outside but stock one did not make any noise from outside. I am satisfied with the sound, it sound just perfect for a normal driver.

It definitely separates the looks and sound for the ST from other Explorer models. I don't know about about trims, Limited or XLT. I am talking about the ST.

OK, thanks. Mine's a Limited, so it has the Mustang motor. My EB Mustang has a nice growl when just puttering around and gets pretty rowdy when under throttle. The sound clips from Borla don't seem to offer the tone I'd like.
