EYE TEST!! TAKE THIS! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The one I posted I made up on the spot believe it or not....

I remeber seeing things like that in school years ago....the brain disregards the extra "the" and "he", and reads it as a straight sentence.... :D

Originally posted by Crankcase
The one I posted I made up on the spot believe it or not....

I remeber seeing things like that in school years ago....the brain disregards the extra "the" and "he", and reads it as a straight sentence.... :D

There was actually a "B" sci fi movie made back in the 60's (I think) in which the title at the end of the movie read:

Attack of the
the Eye Creatures

If you haven't ever seen MST3K, it was a show where they picked really bad movies and ripped on them. It was usually pretty funny.

Attack of the the Eye Creatures was probably one of the worst movies (of its type) ever made. A lot of the movie was supposed to take place at night (because the creatures only came out at night) but you could clearly see shadows because they just put a filter on the lens to simulate darkness. Also, some of the creatures were wearing tennis shoes or only the top half of their costume which was visible in some of the scenes. Bad acting,bad plot, bad cinematography, and bad costume design do not add up to a Academy Award winning movie.
