Is this some of that NEW math??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this some of that NEW math???


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Elite Explorer
December 31, 2001
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Oakland County, MI
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97 Mountaineer
Pimps and Gangs Subtracted From Math Test
Fri Jun 14, 2:33 PM ET

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - A Canadian teacher has been suspended after shocking a small northern Manitoba school by distributing a math exam that included questions about pimps, prostitutes, machine guns, cocaine trafficking and getting "knocked up."

The math proficiency test included questions such as: "Rufus is a pimp for three girls. If the price is $65 per trick, how many tricks per day must each girl turn to support Rufus' $800 per day crack habit?"

And then there was the trouble with Hector.

"Hector knocked up three girls in his gang. There are 27 girls in his gang. What is the exact percentage of the girls in the gang that Hector knocked up?"

Parents of the 13-year-old and 14-year old students who attend Juniper ( news - web sites) School in Thompson, Manitoba, said they were outraged.

And the province's minister of education, Drew Caldwell, said he was "disturbed."

The exam, which asked students for their name, gang name and home room, was fast becoming the talk of this nickel-mining community of 15,000 people 800 kilometers (500 miles) north of Winnipeg.

Supplied with the exact speed of travel and the number of seconds it takes to load a shot gun, another test question asked students to calculate the distance, Billie, a skateboard thief, would be able to flee before getting "whacked."

Newspaper reports said that board members at the Mystery Lake School District stripped the veteran teacher of her classroom duties at a meeting earlier this week. She was also suspended without pay for three days.

The test appeared to be modeled after an exam called "The City of Los Angeles High School Math Proficiency Exam," found on an Internet joke site.

:rolleyes: :p :D

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I can't tell you how many times I've stolen a skateboard and needed to know how long it was before I was gonna get "whacked." That and my profession being a pimp, I always need to know how many tricks they have to perform to handle my crack addiction.

If you ask me, she's just teaching them what they'll need to know :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

LOL, I wish I had test like that in school... then maybe I would have had a 4.0.............. LOL

That is the stupidest thing I has ever seen! Everyone knows that you have to pimp more than 3 girls to support a good crack addiction. Does she think these kids are dumb?:D


Originally posted by morrisey0
That is the stupidest thing I has ever seen! Everyone knows that you have to pimp more than 3 girls to support a good crack addiction. Does she these kids are dumb?:D


LOL, yeah, at LEAST 4 good girls, duh :rolleyes: :D

that was a joke that came out when the whole ebonics in the schools stuff came out, in L.A. or something like that about 8 yrs ago, but it is still funny as hell:D

That and my profession being a pimp
So that's how you got the lift and tires. Why didn't you share this wisdom with me?
Some people are so selfish.

Should it be 6-ho Doty?

Originally posted by offroadkc

So that's how you got the lift and tires. Why didn't you share this wisdom with me?
Some people are so selfish.

Should it be 6-ho Doty?

Hey, you chose your way (marriage), I chose mine (pimp)....

I wouldn't stop you if you decided to call me that :D
