Faded Upper door panels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Faded Upper door panels


June 30, 2009
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2002 XLT
Just got this truck as some of you may know per my other posts. Sorry i dont have pics of this. Just a little helpful advise if you have this problem. I took a soft wire brush to the OEM plastic panel and wallah. The faded panels came to life and the white sunbeaten panels looked practically new again. Mind you this was a soft wire brush that i have had for a long time. I believe it was a pool (plaster) brush. I used circular motions to prevent any harsh scratching from occurring.

Hope this may help some of you.

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you took the clear coat off, I think it'll fade again, go to walmart and buy a can of krylon clear coat, that'll protect them, and for ~6USD

you took the clear coat off, I think it'll fade again, go to walmart and buy a can of krylon clear coat, that'll protect them, and for ~6USD

OEM plastic has a clear coat on it? The faded area looks the same as all the rest now. Well whatever it was that came off is gone now and the panel looks great in comparison.

Deff. re-clear coat them LOL

Deff. re-clear coat them LOL

I was thinking of just tinting the windows so the sun wouldn't beat on them and keep Armour all on them. This is my beater car so i dont want to work too hard. lolz

Lol, but still when people are getting in or out and stuffs dragging on them theyll fade twice as fast now, and easily scratch

Wait... you are talking about the inside panels, I was talking about the outside ones, the ones that are faded in like 99% of explorers
Not sure if you'd need to clear coat the inside ones...

Did you mean inside or outside? Mine are faded and I wouldnt mind having them unfaded.


I think I am gong to try this right now on the interior door panels, I have a brush from my pool that I use to clean algea off the surround that I am going to try. Once I find it lol.

Alright I just did the drivers door a little and its not that great lol. I kinda wish I had left it alone. I went to get my algae brush and I was attacked by wasps who have now taken over my pool storage shed. I ended up using a brillo pad and it just basically sanded it top layer off leaving the stuff underneath the pebbling white. I have have a two tones dor panel. I have a pic on my phone which is not cooperating right now. I have to run to a meeting real quick and pick up some raid so if my phone doesnt work in the next 2 minutes Ill grab my camera and go take new ones.

Alright I just did the drivers door a little and its not that great lol. I kinda wish I had left it alone. I went to get my algae brush and I was attacked by wasps who have now taken over my pool storage shed. I ended up using a brillo pad and it just basically sanded it top layer off leaving the stuff underneath the pebbling white. I have have a two tones dor panel. I have a pic on my phone which is not cooperating right now. I have to run to a meeting real quick and pick up some raid so if my phone doesnt work in the next 2 minutes Ill grab my camera and go take new ones.

Your brush might be too coarse.... mine was a somewhat soft wire brush.... Worked out perfect for me. Maybe i should have said to try a test spot first but i dont know where you would test for it that would not be too noticeable. There really isn't a place to try that the sun dont shine if you catch my drift.

Dont have b4 pics however i can snap some after ones..... basically my upper door panel was white before i started.

You can see how white it was on the inside edge of the plastic.

