Failed emissions Inspection | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Failed emissions Inspection


Explorer Addict
September 19, 2001
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I just bought a car.. 2000 XLT, 15K miles, black with grey leather, v8 remote start from the dealer near my home. Everything was great, and because im leaving for school tuesday, i needed the car immediately. THey said they would certify it, wtih a 6 year 75000 mile warranty from original purchase which is 1/3/99. So i still have plenty of time left. I got the carfax as my dad and i walked out of the dealer, and they were closing up, so we left. I came home just now and checked the carfax,, and it said on 2/21/02, it passed emissions inspection, and passed safety inspection, then right below it, it says 2/21/02, passed safety inspection and failed emmisions inspection. I dont know if this is a carfax error, or what, but it says for the same day it passed and failed. Do you guys think the dealer can fix this before im supposed to pick it up tom night? My dad thinks the dealer can make a bogus emissions test result up and give me the car and next time i go to inspect the car, it fails.. can this really happen? from a dealer? Hope not.. gotta leave tues.. any suggestions?

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I can't imagine a 2000 not passing smog. It should be an error as long as it didn't come from Canada or one or more of the emissions items are missing.

Maybe it failed first, they fixed it, then it passed. Just a thought.

it is possible that carfax made a mistake. my uncle bought a truck and checked it through carfax first and it said that it was used as a fleet vehicle, which is a commercial vehicle. no big deal as long as there is nothing wrong with it. but it was never a fleet vehicle. it had one owner, a private ownwer and he had all the papers to prove that he was the only owner and that car fax made a mistake

94 murph.. i thought the same thing, but it said it passed first, then failed, on the same day.. and the first time it passed, it had 13001 miles, it now has 15582.. so im assuming itz just a carfax error, but im definately gonna be checkin that with the dealer. any ideas about whether or not the dealer will fraudulently lie about passin or failin emissions for a sale? probably not right?

Maybe they didn't let it warm up all the way. Then they realized their error and retested it with it warmed up and it passed. Just a thought.
