Finally got my dual battery tray done... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally got my dual battery tray done...

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
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Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 92 XL
I got off my butt like a month ago to do this and got like half way through before I got sick of it.:)

Got some battery boxes from Schucks and made a mod to them. They come with plastic clamps to clamp the box down to what ever you mount it to. Dumbasses!!! So I threw those away and made some metal ones. Then I took some 1/4" thick diamond plate I had laying around and cut to fit. I'm putting this over the passenger rear fender well thingy back there. I removed the plastic crap back there cause I'm replacing all plastic with aluminum. Kinda like a race truck. Heres a pic of them sittin in my garage. I'll get some installed pics when I get the need to finish it.:D


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Thanks!!! Batteries will be Optima Yellow tops.

how are you connecting them?

I'm using a kit from Painless Wiring. I have 3 different modes to choose from with this kit.

Mode 1:Gives you twice the starting amperage and isolates the batteries when shut off. No dead battery here.:)

Mode 2:Locks out auxiliary battery and holds it in reserve for when you need it most.

Mode 3:Allows a self jump-start from the auxiliary battery.

Wait, so you will be relocating the starting battery back there also?


Are you putting two back up batteries in the rear, and leaving the starting batt up front???

Starting battery and auxiliary battery are going back there. Then when I'm done with my stereo system I'll add another battery for that section.

Originally posted by Derrick C.
I'm using a kit from Painless Wiring. I have 3 different modes to choose from with this kit.

Mode 1:Gives you twice the starting amperage and isolates the batteries when shut off. No dead battery here.:)

Mode 2:Locks out auxiliary battery and holds it in reserve for when you need it most.

Mode 3:Allows a self jump-start from the auxiliary battery.

What's the difference between Mode 1 and Mode 3? Also are you planning on putting something inplace of the battery under the hood? ie...welder, compressor, something like that?

My only guess is that in mode 1 your using both batteries to start the truck. Mode 3 is using the auxiliary battery to jump start the main battery.

Not sure though. I just decided on this kit since I plan on using up to 4 batteries in my rig. If your wondering why 4 its because I do some winching and my stereo system has roughly 4000+ watts. Well it will as soon as I can put my rig down to build the box.:)

I'm not to sure what I'm going to do under the hood. I thought about another compressor but an on board welder would be nice.

Sounds like a plan. Good luck with it! :cool:

How are you compensating for the distance power drop of the new cables? You using 0 guage cable to run to the starter??

I thought about 0 gauge to starter but I'm doing 0 gauge to an under hood distributor then 4 gauge to everything else. Should keep everything in to spec.

If not then I'll do an in-line Accu-volt to push the volts up a bit. That should work just fine. I know I had problems when I first wired up my new Alpine amp and I couldn't get it up to 14 volts so I did an Accu-volt and got it up to 14.8 volts. Right were it needs to be.

Originally posted by Derrick C.
I thought about 0 gauge to starter but I'm doing 0 gauge to an under hood distributor then 4 gauge to everything else. Should keep everything in to spec.


Ah yes.....SOunds like a plan...

Why are you relocating to the rear? More room for some new toy up front?

Originally posted by Derrick C.
I'm not to sure what I'm going to do under the hood. I thought about another compressor but an on board welder would be nice.

Originally posted by Arnie897

Dunno how I missed that....

Derrick, your onboard compressor is by the washer tank right?

My ARB compressor is on a bracket that I built off the A/C thingy on the motor.

Oh and the reason.......Cause I can!!!!;) :D

I'm really not sure. I wanted more batteries and I didn't want to deal with modding this and that under the hood so I pulled all the plastic out of the cargo area and found my spot.

Give us some pics of the planned install area....:D

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I had to take one of the boxes off cause my old speaker box is in the way. Hopefully you get the idea though.


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