finally ordered a set of shocks, hope i picked a good set | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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finally ordered a set of shocks, hope i picked a good set


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bay Area CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 sport trac XLT
after much deliberating, i finally ordered a set of much needed shocks for my 03 ST, i was torn between pro comp es 3000's, monroe senstracs, and skyjacker hydro 7000's. i do some mild off roading, but not any hardcore rock crawling, just going offroad to reach fishing, mountain biking and hiking spots, and i do drive my rig on the freeway regularly. i prefer a stiffer ride to one that's so soft it feels like im driving a school bus, so after much thought i decided to go with a set of skyjacker hydro 7000's. i got them for 140.00, with a 35 dollar rebate which brings them to just around 100 bucks. i read too many bad things about the pro comps, and monroe sensatracs seemed the most sensible for what i do. i was leaning toward the monroes over the skyjackers, but once i got the rebate, i decided to go with the skyjackers. my question is, for the money, did i pick the right set? the cheapest i could find the monroes as a set was 150, and with the rebate the skyjackers cost me just over 100. anyone have these on their X or ST? any thoughts or experiences with these would be appreciated.


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I think you made a good choice going with the skyjackers over the monroes, i have the sensatracs and i feel like they are tuned more towards the street, there not stiff enough for the trails. a few of my friends run the the 7000's and they love them, i think theyll serve you well on and off road. and its even better you got em for 100 bucks, thats a steal. and btw where did you find the rebate, i need to pick up some shocks for my new ex.

btw, if you buy from this site, they are offering free shipping and handling. i noticed a few websites were offering free shipping while i was surfing around for deals.

I had Sensa Tracs on my previous Sport Trac, I did off-road occasionally but even Sensa Tracs would be better than the stockers. I was fine with them.

I did at first get a set of Pro Comps from one of the mail order places but they arrived missing a number of small parts, which seemed to be a common complaint. After some torching and banging and cussing getting the OE hardware into the Pro Comp I got one of them mounted in front. The next day after work I start on the other front shock, get the OE removed and find that the other front Pro Comp is defective right out of the box. It didn't expand like gas shocks should. I gave up and drove to Sears that evening on three shocks and got Sensa Tracs, installed, for $200. 4 Wheel Parts gave me a full refund on the Pro Comps without an argument.

what about Rancho? im finding two for my truck, the RS5000 and the RS9000XL whats the difference?

i was thinking about the rancho rs 5000's too, i kept reading that they were great off-road, but a little too soft on pavement. i still do a lot of freeway driving so i decided to eliminate those from my options. i dont know too much about the 9000's, im sure you could google up a few reviews.

Blake, I had Rancho 9000XL's on my '03 with the MyRide Wireless Remote System. It was awesome for any type of driving since you can change the settings on the go with a push of a button on the remote.

I actually still have the rear shocks and the complete MyRide System (fronts are worn out) I was thinking about selling them because I'm going to do a SAS, SOA eventually and these won't work for me anymore.

I tow my show truck on a car trailer to shows further out and when I'm taking both trucks to the show and I didn't have any sag in the rear at all. Their great for any driving conditions.

That's awesome. The price is kinda high though and i'm a little apprehensive about putting something other than a normal shock on my truck when i have no experience and only a TT/shackle lift, is there anything special id have to do?

Not really, just mount the shocks, run the air lines to the shocks form the small compressor and control box the can be mouted anywhere and you just keep the wireless remote in the cab with you.

I just became an Elite member so I can start posting pictures as soon as I read how to and upload them. I'll upload a bunch of pictures tomorrow moring.

oh great! what about the compressor? does it come with the shocks or is it separate?

Google Rancho MyRide Wireless Remote System and see if there's any promo's going on right now.

When I bought my Rancho 9000XL's they had a promo going on if you bought all four you got the Wireless System free which was a $450 system for free. I know the system has gotten alot cheaper since then.

I still have the rear shocks and system and was gonna sell them for $200 plus shipping.

Not really, just mount the shocks, run the air lines to the shocks form the small compressor and control box the can be mouted anywhere and you just keep the wireless remote in the cab with you.

I just became an Elite member so I can start posting pictures as soon as I read how to and upload them. I'll upload a bunch of pictures tomorrow moring.

FYI, you dont have to be elite to post photos if you just host them on photobucket or a site like that.


I know I don't have to be but I'll support the site because it helps me so much with the wealth of information.

I know I don't have to be but I'll support the site because it helps me so much with the wealth of information.

Yeah, I really need to go elite myself soon.
