Finally... ZOMBIE JERKY ! ! ! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally... ZOMBIE JERKY ! ! !


Flunked daycare
Elite Explorer
January 3, 2003
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outside shovelling snow
Year, Model & Trim Level
................ 96 XLT ™

Although the apocalypse has been going on for over a year now, Zombie Jerky is finally here!

Harcos Labs, makers of Zombie Blood, have released the world’s first slimy green beef jerky in an orange biohazard bag.

“Every little bit of natural instinct tells you to NOT EAT THE GREEN MEAT, but when you try it, you realize that it actually tastes like yummy teriyaki beef jerky,” said Aaron Rasmussen, co-founder and vice president of marketing, Harcos Laboratories.

This is Harcos Laboratories’ first non-caffeinated product, and the world’s first green beef jerky. With 13 grams of protein, and only 1 gram of fat, it has significant nutritional, as well as novelty, value.

In concert with the launch, Harcos will be supporting Zombie Jerky with a new web series called “10 Second Zombie”, featuring short clips of a zombie trying to live a normal life. The series will premier on the Zombies Are Delicious Facebook fan page which has over 28,000 fans of eating zombies.

With an MSRP of $4.99 for a 1.25 oz bag, Zombie Jerky is available now at the Harcos Labs Online Store, and available soon at retailers nationwide!


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I thought it'd be full of brains :D

I don't trust it, Its a trick to convert us into the zombie army.
