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First Aid kits in your rig.


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
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City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
With the recent addition of our Truck Camper I made the decision to donate my good first aid kit from JP to the Camper. It's a great general kit for scraps, cuts maybe a bee sting, whatever. But it's time to upgrade one for JP.

With the kind of stuff we go in and do, bandaids aren't going to cut it.:mad: In the middle of know where you need to be prepared. I need more of like a Trauma kit or First Responders kit.

What does everyone else carry? Do you carry something? Any recommendations?

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Get whatever BKennedy carries!

I carry a nice First Aid Kit - $30 or so at the local CVS or Walgreens. Also, a Kidde 440161 Automotive Fire Extinguisher that can take the higher ambient vehicle temps here in the Texas summer. A road emergency kit (electric flares, reflective triangles, knee waders for Texas gullywashers, window shatterer, misc knives and tools) and a few gen purpose flashlights. I did splurge on a SolaRay Pro ZX-XL1 Tactical LED flashlight. 1600 lumens of Cree T6 LED powered by 2800mAh of lithium ion power!!! Wide spot to square focus. Anodized black aluminum body. I can signal the ISS with this baby!!!:salute:

I bought a store kit and added some to it. Lots of band aids of all varieties, anti-diahreal, anti-inflammatory, BC powder, oxycotin, those bandaid stiches things, medical tape, tweezers, a razor sharp knife, tums, midol, that silly looking blanket, alcohol pads, and probably more I'm forgetting.
In years of racing motocross, mountain biking, kayaking, camping, hiking, paintball, and well anything outdoors... I've rarely opened it. Mostly gets popped open for band aids, BC powder, tums, and midol (must have for your wife).

Get whatever BKennedy carries!

Brian I'm sure will chime in. I believe he still has his kit from his patrol car. Unfortunately, he's not always wheeling with me.:(

My kit has the normal band aids and ibuprofen,but what I do have that I would say everyone should consider...small stainless steel needle nose pliers. Have you ever had a splinter that just was too deep? Large thorn,piece of steel or glass? I have,and now I make sure I can get it out,I have found tweezers lacking for the large things.

When we got our camper I figured it'd be a good idea for it to have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. The weekend after we got it my dad flew up to take possession of a used Ford Pickup that had previously been used commercially by a heating/AC company. attached right behind the drivers seat was both. I mentioned it to dad and he laughed and said he had a bunch of them (he's purchased several trucks from them) at home and I was welcome to have them. :) Freebies! (Well, I do a lot of work on those trucks making sure they are ready for him to drive back down to Florida, so... I guess its a fair trade. LOL)

Really the question of which kit you should carry is determined by what sort of training/experience you have. A general outdoor kit with some h bandages and plenty of packing material and some stuff to splint limps would be good for most people.

My bug out medkit is basically enough to stop major hemorrhages. And a kit I leave in truck includes an IV, neck brace, splinting material, and some stuff to regain/ maintain airways. Ensure you've got some good cutting scissors to cut through fabric, a flash light and batteries. Sterile gloves are a plus but not required.

Just like everything else in life that first aid knowledge is perishable and should be practiced and always expanded upon.

I have kept my EMR bag that was "unserviceable" upon my retirement. It has a bunch of goodies, but I am also trained to use them.

Next time your at a salvage yard, look inside any Audi you see. They have hidden awesome first aid kits in red leather bags. Pick n pull here sells em for $5/ea. They come loaded with trauma supplies as well as stainless tools. Pretty amazing actually.

2 specific things I recommend in a trauma bag that I didn't see mentioned. You can get a reusable CAT tourniquet, they'll make it more likely the limb can be retained when stopping an arterial bleed. Also, the vacuum sealed jhook compression bandages for venous bleeds and I guess a third item, quick clot sponges (don't get the powder if you even can an it has to be scrubbed or cut out).

I carry two "first aid kits"daily. They are attached to my backpack that goes everywhere with me. They quick detach so I can grab just the desired kit to deploy to any scene without needing to bring my entire pack. One is for trauma, one is for sickness. Both were assembly by me with my training and skills in mind. Just like you wouldn't send a brand new driver on the most complicated path, I wouldn't give a trake tube to someone that just learned to put a band aid on.

Sickness kit has stuff like Excedrin, Advil, Tylenol (have different uses and some people can't take certain ones) antacid, pepto, benadryl (this is in both kits) and I can't remember what else off the top of my head.

Trauma kit has stuff like band aids, splint material, ace bandages, compression dressings, trauma shears, gauze, various ointments, roll of life savers, benadryl, butterfly stitches, non latex gloves and some other stuff. I'm looking for a good cpr mask, but word has it that breathing is no longer part of modern cpr.

quick clot sponges (don't get the powder if you even can an it has to be scrubbed or cut out).

YES! ! ! ! I have ample amounts of these... Gauze pad style.

@SPSully that is true on the current CPR instruction, only compressions now.
