First Ford I have ever purchased! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First Ford I have ever purchased!

Dean Woodard

New Member
August 16, 2016
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2014 explorer
Bought a nice slightly used 2014 Explorer Limited. Love almost everything. Did have a split in fake vinyl seam on door panel and dealer was no help so I had to super glue. Disappointing since it was an obvious manufacture defect. The other problem is the terrible am/fm radio reception. Again the dealer seemed to indicate they are all bad and nobody listens to an anymore? Always been a GM buyer and the Ford service people may drive me back!

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Welcome Dean.

Definitely will! The dealership I went to in Adrian is under new management. Needs some new training on how to win and keep customers. Will try the one in Brooklyn next!

Buying a new or almost new car can be frustrating.
