Flowmaster 40 and super 40 owners, help me out here fellas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Flowmaster 40 and super 40 owners, help me out here fellas


Explorer Addict
September 23, 2003
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1999 Ford Explorer Sport
As some may know, I currently have a dual in/dual out 50 series flow master on my truck with 2 1/4" duals coming out the rear/sides. Lately Ive been on the idea of changing out my mufflers to the super 40's. I want to slap 1 muffler on one pipe and connect them with an X pipe to even out the pressure. So I would have true dual 2 1/4" Super 40 flowmaster exhaust

My questions are:

1) on a 4.0 sohc, how much of a torque/power loss will I see over just 1 muffler due to lack of backpressure?
2)What do you think the highway drone will be like and the noise all together? I am honestly aiming for the v8, very agressive sound. I want to drop my truck and make it a "sport" truck.
3)I think 2 people on this site have done this with regular 40's, hows the sound and drone on your trucks? Do they sound anything like v8s?

Right now under acceleration, the exhaust is not deep and you can def tell its a v6. Im hoping more for a v8 sound out of my v6 if thats at all possible. I currently only have intake and electric fan but plan on chipping in the future...

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Afboy143 said:
Right now under acceleration, the exhaust is not deep and you can def tell its a v6. Im hoping more for a v8 sound out of my v6 if thats at all possible.
Never gonna happen. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a v-6 will always sound like a v-6.

RFR2212 said:
Never gonna happen. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a v-6 will always sound like a v-6.

then dont run a muffler.......

also the whole true duals idea, yeah its just not going to work... its a v6!

1. You won't loose power by running a single muffler. You might even gain some

2. Drone shouldn't be too bad with a single muffler. I've got 2 of them and mine is easy to live with.

3. You can spend $10,000 on exhaust and your truck is still going to sound like a V6. It's just not possible to make it a V8. You lack two cylinders.

BeauJ, I see you are running true duals, thats the exact idea I had. I think draft is running the same thing and he has a v6. I talked to hima while ago about this but I forget what he said. What style mufflers are you running?

Does anyone know what a super 40 muffler would sound like over a 50 series then ?

Afboy143 said:
Does anyone know what a super 40 muffler would sound like over a 50 series then ?

I heard super 40 duals on a F150 and they sounded good. A lot louder than the 50s and more growl the the regular 40s.

SilverBullet said:
BeauJ, do you have a sound clip?

I want my 5.0 to sound like a Mustang.. :)

No sound clips, but I've been told by a few mustang buddies that mine sounds exactly like one. I think the turndowns help too.

do you have a X pipe or just head-pipe-muffler-turndown?

Very kick ass explorer btw, im jealous. I wanna lower my sport and put some speed into it.

Afboy143 said:
do you have a X pipe or just head-pipe-muffler-turndown?.

No X pipe, too tight on space. Just two mufflers after the cats. Thanks for the compliments too.

i used to have dual in dual out with a mellow-tone muffler on my 4.0 SOHC v6 and learned to hate the sound, not too long ago i took the dual off and went with a swept side exhaust coming out of a 40 series flowmaster and it sounds great, some mistake it for a v8, even tho it may not be exactly what ur goin for its always on idea to play around with (my K&N cold air also helped the sound in higher rpms)


i had true dual 40s, but recently dumped the entire setup and went gibson. flowmaster is way too raspy for me. gibson has more of a deep tone than the flowmaster ever had.

Flowmaster specialized in the sould of a V8 engine. You might want to listen to draft and get a Gibson muffler.

Draft, do you have true dual gibson mufflers? Is it worth the $$$ to do the swap? Hows the interior noise? What should I search for to get the mufflers you have? What size piping? Dumped?
