Ford 1991 Ford Explorer starting problem. ... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford 1991 Ford Explorer starting problem. ...


New Member
December 4, 2003
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new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 ford explor
I was driving home last Friday and my truck stalled out
now it wont start what can it be yes I have gas in it
it cranks up but wont turn over this happen ones before where the truck would stall I would have to want till the next morning for it to start and it would stall again after an hour what ever it was it want away but its starting over again has any one ever had this problem

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First off, you need to determin if its a fuel or spark problem. Easiest way is to pull the easiest plug to get to, lay it against the block or good ground and turn it over to see if it sparks.

No fuel, ie. pump or clogged filter..

Low fuel pressure, ie. bad fuel pressure regulator or pump, check pressure with fuel gauge.

Or flooding, ie. bad fuel pressure regulator, pull vacuum hoses off at the intake manifold, there is about 5-6 vacuum lines. Pull some of them off and see if fuel comes out.

I've had all these at one time or another. Try a search and you will probably find my thread about my troubles.

What lonestar said plus it could be dirt or something in your gas tank that settles after a while!

First off. i would check and see if the beer in the cooler is at the correct temp...Lol, Sounds a lot like the fuel filter is clogging, When this happens have you recently ran the tank near empty? Could be sediment from the bottom of the tank clogging the fuel flow/stirred up by pumping gas into a near empty tank.

thanks everyone ill try them all

This may seem to be an unlikely cause, but it could be a fuel pump relay. I had a problem with it sticking and my fuel pump would stay on after I shut the truck off and I had to disconect it when I shut the truck off until I fixed it. But I imagine that it could go opposite as well and not turn on your fuel pump. Check and see if you can hear your fuel pump come on when you turn on the ignition, you can hear it on most of the early model ex's.
