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Ford Explorer Limited


October 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Boca Raton, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
If you own a limited I was just wondering what you guys thought about it. I have a 94' Explorer that I got when I was 16. I've had it for three years and have done a lot of stuff to it. But last week I ran home to get my mom and come back to school for parents week at college, I was comming up the road when a pizza delivery truck ran a stop sign. I slammned on the breaks but still hit him going like 30. His truck was basically totaled and mine is really screwed up in the front. So were hoping that they just total my truck and give us what its worth. Before this we went looking at the new Cobras, but after that accident I was glad I was in a truck and can't imagine driving a car. I really like the 2000-2001 Limited's over the new version. They gave us a 2001 XLT to use for now w/ the SOHC. Very sweet engine, midrange is awesome. Mom's has a mountaineer w/ a V8, and although it's got more torqe, the V6 seemed faster. I want to find a green or champagne colored Limited w/ SOHC, but wanted to know what you guys thought about them.

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Get the V-8... The SOHC has very limited number of mods available... The 5.0 V-8 had tons of mods available.

i love the v8's for their torqe and sound but I thought that people were having problems with them especially around 2000-2001 because ford wasn't taking care of the molds or something. People were saying there motors started to leak. That's why I wanted to get the SOHC in my new truck.

Anyone here have an Explorer Limited? any help would be appreciated.

I have a 95 Eddie Bauer... it is basically the same as the limited except fot the outside trim patterns. I absolutely love it, and agree that you should get the 302 V-8 and not the V6

We have a Limited and I love it! Its a '95 with the 4.0 OHV. I really wish it would have came with the 302, but this is still a good engine. Its a lot of fun to drive around in and you can still do some wheeling in it, the air shocks really help out. I like how while its parked the shocks lower it an inch or so compared to a regular X, so it gives it a sporty look also. I really really like it :)

Trust me.. The 302 to my knowledge was stopped bein produced, or limitedly produced when they went to the 4.6 V-8. They've been using the same 5.0 castings for a long while now, I'm pretty sure, so, they've got it down... my family also has a 2001 Eddie Bauer, and the 5.0 is a gem... Trust me, someday, you'll wanna mod the motor, and yer pretty much SOL with the SOHC...
the 5.0 has endless mods

94tanXLT, Limited's are little hard to come by now, if your talking about like a 98-01. I know I don't see too many of them. They are up to its name "limited" For the colors, I know they come in black, white, and navy blue at least for the 98-up. As for the engines, the 5.0 has been out forever and like what everyone is saying about mods for it is true. If you tow, this is a best choice. If you want better "speed" and just a daily driver to get you around town, then the SOHC is just fine.

Originally posted by Stephen

Hey Grant, did you have the Explorer painted?


Yeah right :) No, that picture was a Polaroid I took when I was detailing the X for a show and had it jacked up off the ground so I could get inside the fenderwells easier. I snapped a quick picture because I thought it looked cool from the front like that and it shows off the lights I got for it. Its a scanned Polaroid so it makes the picture really dark. I'm getting a digi. cam here soon, so I'll have better pics in a little while :)

I have a 1998 Limited. It has the 5.0 in it, and I really like it. It's almost to 36,000, but I've extended the warrenty to 75,000 and plan on keeping it that long. According to the Computer in the Center console, it gets about 14.5 mpg around town and as much as 18-20 on the highway. I rarely ever take it off the road, but the suspension seems quite stiff when I do. As far as color goes, it is a wierd metallic dark green that is hard to explain.

1998 Limited 5.0

You will like the Limited a lot more than your last one that's for sure. And same as everyone else here I would say go with the V8 if you get the choice. Good Luck!

im with rfr2112, the v8 is the same engine the older stangs have. it has a LOT more parts to add than the ohv and the sohc. the sohc has virtually nothing and the ohv has little. the v8 was my first choice, but at the time i couldnt find a decent looking explorer with one
