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ford fires

12.25 volts with the key in my pocket. Its live 24/7!

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Brian_B said:
12.25 volts with the key in my pocket. Its live 24/7!
Than I suppose on the later models ford not only changed the switch, but the circuit as well.

If the circuit is different then your part may not work on ours either. Hmm....Anyone know a ford tech who can find out what they are doing for the ones they actually recalled?

Black/Red Switch

OK, I'm a little confused. Black is the good switch and Red is the bad switch, right?

Well, mine has black (rectangular in shape) on top of red (cylinder). Is my switch OK or do I need to replace?

I stopped off at the dealer on the way home from work and picked up a replacement switch.

P/N 1L1Z*9G652*AA replaces P/N F3TZ*9F924*BB.
"Brake Repair Kit" Mfg April 2005.

The new pressure switch is black.

$14.23 is all it cost.

The bag consists of the new switch and a wiring harness adapter. Apparently the new switches use a different plug.

Does anyone know if I will need to bleed the brades after installation?

jodogo said:
OK, I'm a little confused. Black is the good switch and Red is the bad switch, right?

Well, mine has black (rectangular in shape) on top of red (cylinder). Is my switch OK or do I need to replace?

The black you are seeing is your wiring harness plug. The red cylinder is the faulty switch.

I am curious to the install of this switch. It would be great if a member could do a write-up for others to go by. ;)

two posts I made on the install got deleted, for whatever reason I have not a clue.
Best of luck all

I will take pics and do a writeup when I install it, hopefuly tomorrow. I miss my cruise!

V8BoatBuilder said:
I will take pics and do a writeup when I install it, hopefuly tomorrow. I miss my cruise!
When you bought the new switch, did you ask the dealer if indeed the old one is or can be faulty?

Ahhh, Ford quality...if they have not recalled Explorers, then nothing is wrong. Right? Right? Anybody? Its not like Ford has a history of that or anything.

I guess we can no longer take umbrage at those who call them "Exploders".

Yep, I just unpluged mine.

V8BoatBuilder said:
The black you are seeing is your wiring harness plug. The red cylinder is the faulty switch.

Thanks for the info. Any tricks or hints to taking out the switch/reinstalling the new one?

I'll be going to the dealer tomorrow to pick up the new one. I'll get the same part you referenced in the other post. For $14.23, it's a no-brainer. Certainly better than sleeping with your eyes open at night wondering if your garage is going to BBQ'd.

Here it is: The photo-documented writeup.

This whole deal took 15 minutes, and 15 dollars.

Here's what you need:

Brake Recall Kit

9/16" Wrench to remove old sensor
Liquid thread sealant
22mm Wrench to install new sensor

Here's what the old sensor looks like in place:

Note: I disconnected the wiring harness as soon as I learned about the fire danger.

Place some teflon thread sealant on the threads of the new sensor.

Here's what the new sensor looks like:

-Place a rag and a small container under the Master Cylinder and switch, brake fluid will strip paint.

-Remove the old sensor:

-Screw in the new sensor

-Before tightening down the sensor, get an assistant to depress the brake pedal a tiny bit and bleed out any air.

-Tighten new sensor

-Install wiring harness jumper. Ford changed the plug on the sensor, and included a 6" wiring harness to take care of the difference. This wiring harness does NOT have a fuse in it, but I am going to add one.

Finall installation:

:thumbsup: Thx V8
great info, great writeup :thumbsup:

Hey V8BoatBuilder

Your write up the best do-it-yourself info, I've ever seen. Thanks!

By the way, did you notice if your switch was showing any sign of wear that could cause the fire?

jodogo said:
Hey V8BoatBuilder

Your write up the best do-it-yourself info, I've ever seen. Thanks!

By the way, did you notice if your switch was showing any sign of wear that could cause the fire?


My switch was working fine, no problems with the cruise. There were no visible signs of leakage or breakdown, the switch could have gone on working for the next few years, but why take the risk?

The guy at the parts counter told me that if my truck was eventually recalled, I could bring back my receipt for a refund on the parts. :thumbsup:

Thx for your efforts, may be benificial down the road for those that take note.
Fords not going to spend zillions on a switch recall, when they can spend maybe 5 mill on a few burned up exs and houses, is known as risk/benifit
Ford has a faulty part, they will not address the problem, because a problem may only arise rarely.
Am gettin ready to ****can my Ex, are far better rides made than Exs, JMHO

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:thumbsup: Great write-up, I'll definitely put it to use!

Did you have to bleed the brakes after the install?
