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Front Brake Issue

After cleaning off my work bench the work has begun. The knuckles are not as bad as I thought they were and are coming apart nicely.


Getting the rest of the axle tube off isn't going to be fun. The only thing i don't have is the brake backing plates and cant find them anywhere. Any downsides off running without them other that dirty suspension components?

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Spindles did not want to come free but they finally let go.

Next up is the wire wheel then rust converter and paint.

Can you reuse your old spindle, or are those ones threaded for locking hubs?

The spindles are identical to the old ones other than the ABS cut out so the hubs fit fine. My problem is my old spindles are destroyed cause the previous owner ran the bearings dry and locked them up, spinning them on the spindles for quite a while. So i will be using the new spindles.

I went camping this weekend so no progress to report hoping to get back to work tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Back at it



I also got the spindle bearings out but not without a fight.A few more coats and its assembly time.


All the parts i can install off the truck are done. Now just need to clean out the garage enough to fit the ex.

So i think i found why my brakes locked up.

The bottom slide seems to angle towards the rotor; which would explain why the caliper looked ****ed. but onward to better things.


Now for a question.The original camber bushing was so banged up and stripped couldn't even get it to rotate with channel locks. its also so rusted up i can't see what size it was. the old ones wont go back in cause i needed to basically collapse it to get it out so which size should i buy to start with?
I was going to go with 0 degree.

you can get adjustable camber bushings

I like the safety aspect of a solid bushing.

new bushings, bolts, axles and spindles installed. so far its a very easy swap.

It's looking great, always good when things go well. I don't know if you were going to have it aligned after or not. If you are, even the crappy shop in my town had those bushings. They just charged a few bucks for it.

Im going to try to align it myself first. i made a camber gauge and anything i can do would be better than the last alignment i got. No shop around me is familiar with these style axles. I just get the we can align anything motto.

I had to get a new bushing mine were completely torn up, they didn't even have a hex head to grab onto anymore.

Yeah, I had mine aligned at the same kind of shop. I don't get weird tire wear, but the steering wheel isn't even straight. I told myself it was only $45. I now go to the guy that does a good job for $100. I've never attempted a full on self alignment. Is the jig you mention similar to a square that you just measure from a flat floor? I figured toe is easy enough to figure out with just a tape measure, but I could never figure out how to set caster, especially considering those bushings affect both caster and camber at the same time.

Toe is just string line on jackstands. But I made a camber gauge out of a piece of square tube two bolts and a digital angle finder. Caster I'm just guessing on till I can make a set of turn plates with angles marked out.

also the brake hoses are a lot different. the passenger side needed to be bent in 4 places and the drivers side hose block where it meets the caliper wont even fit in the needed direction without a bit of trimming.

Well im happy to say it came out perfectly brake hoses and all. The hoses are probably the hardest part of the whole thing and needed to be bent significantly to fit but they do fit. The difference is night and day and seemed to also balance out my brake bias as my rears seemed to lock before the fronts before.

So looks like this one is finally solved. thank you guys for helping me through this. If anyone needs info on the swap feel free to ask me.
