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Front Bumper Fit Issue

Front Bumper Issue and Buzzing Noise in Windshield

I have a 2011 Ford Explorer XLT that I bought this past June with 16000 miles on it. Mine is doing the same thing. Driver's side - looks like it is just "popped out".
I bought mine used from a Chevrolet dealership so my local Ford is going to have to look at it.
It also has the buzzing wind noise thing on the open highway or in a cross wind.

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I have a 2011 Ford Explorer XLT that I bought this past June with 16000 miles on it. Mine is doing the same thing. Driver's side - looks like it is just "popped out".
I bought mine used from a Chevrolet dealership so my local Ford is going to have to look at it.
It also has the buzzing wind noise thing on the open highway or in a cross wind.
I guess it is back to the Ford dealership that you have been dealing with. That wind noise is either the 'A' pillar noise or noise from the cowl.
There is a TSB listed in the 'Sticky' TSB thread that addesses the 'A' pillar;
TSB 12-9-3 Rattle Or Buzz From Windshield Trim At High Speeds

Peter local Ford is going to have to look at it...

Wise next move, eglirlw24; I'm sure they'll be happy to help. Keep us posted on what you hear; feel free to PM me if you need assistance. :thumbsup:


Just picked up my 2015 Explorer Sport (mfg Oct in Chicago) and low and behold I found this forum when I goggled this exact same problem. I guess Ford has not yet fixed the driver side front bumper flaring out. Mine has 10 miles on it and there is literally no signs of wear, let alone any bruising or scratching of plastic anywhere. I will take mine into the dealer tomorrow. If this was on the passenger side might not have noticed it at all.

On another note, I must also say I am 43 and have driven an Audi since I was 16 (currently A6 4.2), this is not only the first Ford I have ever owned, but I am the first person in all of my family to ever own any Ford vehicle. I currently think this is the most awesome car I have ever driven (not just owned). But will have to see how it holds up. I have had two Audi's north of 200k miles.

I had this problem right out of the gate on my 2014. I hit a pigeon at 70 mph and it popped the front bumper cover loose.

In my case the plastic bracket that the cover snaps into was broken. I fixed this myself. It is a $20.00 part and takes 5 min to do.

However I will say the plastic bracket here that is the problem is very very thin...I can see how the faintest of impacts could break this part.

Welcome to the Forum mikepriz.:wavey:
This doesn't seem to be a common issue but it does happen. It seems the days have parts being held together by nuts, bolts and screws is gone. Now it's snaps and plastic pins that hold our vehicles together. :)


Just picked up my 2015 Explorer Sport (mfg Oct in Chicago) and low and behold I found this forum when I goggled this exact same problem. I guess Ford has not yet fixed the driver side front bumper flaring out. Mine has 10 miles on it and there is literally no signs of wear, let alone any bruising or scratching of plastic anywhere. I will take mine into the dealer tomorrow...

Welcome to the forum and to the Ford family, mikepriz! I'm glad you're bringing this to the attention of your dealership. Let me know if you need my assistance; I'll be happy to escalate you to your regional customer service manager. To make that happen, send me a PM with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, current mileage, and servicing dealership.


Front bumper cover to front fender seam gap problem

My 2015 Explorer had a big gap between the front bumper cover where it meets the front fender on the driver's side that I noticed when I picked the car up new in October.

It was a bit of a hassle to get it in, because the dealership is not opened on Saturdays, and to compound matters, the body shop is a separate business to their regular service dept, so I had to take the car into the body shop to get an estimate, take it the the service department and get the warranty OK'd, then schedule an appointment to bring it back in to the body shop to get fixed.

Anyway, they found a plastic bracket that was broken that attaches the bumper cover to the inner fender.

Now, 1000 mile later it looks like the bracket broke again because the gap has opened up.

I called the body shop and they said we have to do the whole thing over again, bring it in for estimate, etc.

I told them that there must be a reason that the bracket is breaking, and that they should probably try to figure that out rather than just replacing the bracket again.

The body shop guy said that there was no reason for the bracket to keep breaking, but they are known to break under a slight front impact. I told him that I have been the only one to drive the car, and that I have never impacted anything with the car!

Anyway, has anyone else had the same or a similar problem?

Yes, that is exactly the same issue. Thank you for pointing it out to me.

Hard to believe that this problem is a carry-over from 2011. Pretty disappointing!

Nobody ever posts any pictures of what they have that is wrong. That's annoying.

Maybe someone backed into your unit while it was parked and broke the bracket.

There is a pic on page 2 of this thread

(Plus, I haven't parked the car anywhere that someone could back into it. I have been super-paranoid about getting door dings, etc and have been driving my wife crazy with how and where I park!)

My 2015 Explorer had a big gap between the front bumper cover where it meets the front fender on the driver's side that I noticed when I picked the car up new in October.

It was a bit of a hassle to get it in, because the dealership is not opened on Saturdays, and to compound matters, the body shop is a separate business to their regular service dept, so I had to take the car into the body shop to get an estimate, take it the the service department and get the warranty OK'd, then schedule an appointment to bring it back in to the body shop to get fixed.

Anyway, they found a plastic bracket that was broken that attaches the bumper cover to the inner fender.

Now, 1000 mile later it looks like the bracket broke again because the gap has opened up.

I called the body shop and they said we have to do the whole thing over again, bring it in for estimate, etc.

I told them that there must be a reason that the bracket is breaking, and that they should probably try to figure that out rather than just replacing the bracket again.

The body shop guy said that there was no reason for the bracket to keep breaking, but they are known to break under a slight front impact. I told him that I have been the only one to drive the car, and that I have never impacted anything with the car!

Anyway, has anyone else had the same or a similar problem?
Your thread has been merged with this existing one on the same issue.


Nobody ever posts any pictures of what they have that is wrong. That's annoying.

Maybe someone backed into your unit while it was parked and broke the bracket.

There's a bracket that bolts to the fender underneath the bumper cover. There are 2 slots on the cover than "lock" into tabs on this bracket. My issue was caused by one of the tabs breaking and therefor no more "tooth" to hold the bumper cover in place. I was able to get a warranty part replacement that I swapped out myself since I was doing a push bumper install that same week, and returned the defective bracket to the dealership after.

I had the issue the same day I purchased my 2015 sport. All was good when I left the dealership. Drove home and noticed it. Had it fixed when I had all the body panels aligned and paint defects fixed.

There is a pic on page 2 of this thread

(Plus, I haven't parked the car anywhere that someone could back into it. I have been super-paranoid about getting door dings, etc and have been driving my wife crazy with how and where I park!)

I took it back into the dealer's collision shop and this is what they are telling me (emailed response)

At this time Ford has not updated the bumper bracket part design, or specified in a Technical Service Bulletin to replace additional bumper supports. Jake and I will keep looking, and see what else could cause it to keep popping out.

I may have to escalate this to a Ford service rep!

fender popping out already

Same issue here. Bought a 2015 about a month ago. Pulled it in the driveway and sure enough it has popped out. Called the dealership, scheduled service. They had my car 2 days, said they fixed the issue. The fender was back in place but once I got it back home after interstate driving, it has popped right back out! Called again, schedule service (dealership is 45 minutes from my home) and the service manager at the dealership had someone pull my Explorer into the service bay and we both walked out there and he went on to say that this is common, almost every explorer does it, he could show me that most in the service lot are just like that because the bumper is to wide and big for the clips, that I will have to deal with it for the entire time I own the vehicle and THEN... Get this... He went and made a fist and with the meaty part of his fist and commenced to banging \punching the fender back in and looked at me and said, "see it's fixed, now. This is what you will have to do whenever it pops out. " I was furious and debated with him, to much to write but I stopped and left because I had to get my son from school and I knew arguing with him was just going to continue to escalate. I did not pay that much money for a vehicle to have to punch the fender everytime I drive it! If this is "normal" for Explorers to do this, then it should be shown that way on the lot and a buyer should be told. My next step is a regional service manager. VERY FRUSTRATED EXPLORER OWNER.

Welcome to the Forum Redwithblu.:wavey:
If the dealer's 'fix' is what you described, I don't know if there is anything the Ford rep here can do. I would still suggest, however, that you send her a private message (PM) so that she can look into it for you. You can contact Crystal using this link;
When you PM, be sure to include your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership in your message. Good luck.


My 2015 Sport had the same issue. It was fixed along with all the misalignment of doors and molding I had. I was told that they had to glue it in as this has been a problem for the entire gen 5 explorers. I did look at all the exs on the lot and everyone of them had the same issue (drivers side, front bumper cover below the headlight) Quality is Job one....ha/ha!

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Loosen left front fender

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Has anyone experienced a loose front fender on the 2015 Ford Explorer? Dealer says this is sometimes not unusual and that a "clip" was loose but fender still pops out after driving and air gets under the front? Any suggestions?
