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Front bumper


August 17, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
I have a question about the front bumper on the 2013 explorer. Can the black plastic lower section be replaced, without replacing the upper painted section?


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I have a question about the front bumper on the 2013 explorer. Can the black plastic lower section be replaced, without replacing the upper painted section?


If by "black plastic lower section" you mean the lower valance / airdam (the piece that gets caught and or scrapes on curbs or high pavement), then yes.

If you are referring to the entire black lower section, like the portion where the fog lights mount (that entire piece is called the "lower fascia"), then I'm not sure - I would think so, but you might have to pull the whole bumper off to separate that lower fascia. I have never tried, but from these photo's, It looks like you might be able to.

This photo of the wrecked ex shows the lower fascia has separated and that the painted bumper may have overlapped it by a few inches when they were connected.

I have a question about the front bumper on the 2013 explorer. Can the black plastic lower section be replaced, without replacing the upper painted section?

I just checked and it shows that there are 3 pieces. The painted portion, the facia or the part in which the fog lights are mounted and the lower valance which is part of the aerodynamics of the vehicle.
Just click on View Image for the valance and you see all the parts.
I hope that helps.


first time I scraped the curb parking I looked up the part and it is over $100 so I figured I would leave it as is...especially since I can't guarantee I won't hit a curb again. It is a shame it doesn't have front pushing sensors like some other vehicles have since I can't see the front too well

first time I scraped the curb parking I looked up the part and it is over $100 so I figured I would leave it as is...especially since I can't guarantee I won't hit a curb again. It is a shame it doesn't have front pushing sensors like some other vehicles have since I can't see the front too well

There are front parking sensors sold as an accessory for the car.
