Front Differental | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Differental


June 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Grant Park Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 xlt
I have a 1998 explorer with the 4.0 SOHC motor. I am wondering how do i identify which front axle i have. I had a seal go bad so i need help asap. Or is there a link that might help me to identify which Diff. i have. Can someone help me please i have been pulling out my hair tryinjg to figure out which one it is. I think its the Dana 28 but im not sure.

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The only one available in 98 was the d35.

The only one available in 98 was the d35.

That's right, and I believe there is a sticker on the door with axle codes as well.

Okay thanks ..... Does anyone know where i can find decent diagrams on how to do this .... its more for a reference to make sure im doing it right

Which seal do you need to replace?

i was hoping to change all the seals besides the seal where the axle goes into the differential. The one where the axle goes into the diff. was changed this past winter

The only other seal is the pinion seal, and it takes air tools and a hammer ro remove, and you have to be very careful to not over/under tighten it, as that will cause the backlash and preload to be wrong. you need to check how much play there is before you start, and it needs to be the same when you are done. Most manuals say you cant replace the seal without re-setting the backlash but if you are very careful it can be done, so if you dont have a good understing of how a differential works then i would leave this job for a professional as the cost of fixing a minor mistake will be extremely expensive compared to the shop labor to replace the seal.

I'm not doubting you on only one seal in the front diff. My other question iis what wuld cause it to lose oil around the right side cv shaft. I know there is a round tube that is connected to the front diff. but i thought there was a seal there. Any ideas or more help would be nice. im pulling my hair out over this.

My other question iis what wuld cause it to lose oil around the right side cv shaft. I know there is a round tube that is connected to the front diff.

Either the right axle seal is bad or the axle shaft (or cv shaft as your calling it) has a groove worn in it.
