Front Differential Leaking? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Differential Leaking?


Well-Known Member
August 10, 2000
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City, State
Bayside, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
Hopefully someone on this forum can help me. My front differential is leaking from the yoke area. I noticed the leak two weeks ago, so I changed the pinion seal and yoke. Since then I’ve put on over 1,000 miles and it’s still leaking. What can it be?

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maybe something didn't sit right. I'd say the pinion seal is still leaking. Common problem.....

My guess is an improperly seated pinion seal.

The only other possibility is that it is leaking from someplace higher and flowing down to the yoke to appear like it is coming from the yoke.

Sorry I can't be much more help.


The Front diff on my '96 did the same thing. There was a little breather tube or something blowing out gear oil. I bought my Explorer used so I don't know if this tube was a factory part, it was zip tied to the frame. Well 2 days and almost $600 for a new diff cover from my local Ford dealer fixed that problem...

Yes make sure it's not blowing out the breather. Another possibility is that the axle housing itself is warped.

Make sure your differential fluid doesn't have water in it, may cause excessive pressure if the breather tube is clogged or something causing the seal to rupture.
