Front End Leaf Conversion ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front End Leaf Conversion ???

Canadian Rob

January 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
First off, I appreciate this site so damn much, ive already learned and was able to diagnose a few problems on my truck just by reading over some threads. I like the feed and help, which is why Im posting this, hoping for some feedback positive or negative.

Ill start with my truck.. 91 XLT.. 4.0L, V6, 4X4... Stock. High KMS, but, the truck is a 91, so its pretty much expected, since I was the second owner, and the first did constant driving between edmonton, and my area on Van Isle BC..

I was wondering if it was worth taking the leafs out of a ranger rear end, and fab'ing them up on my front end. Ive heard I can get them arched or sumthing, and easily gain lift. Im not the most mechanically, or suspension experienced person, so I was wondering if anyone has, or will prevent me from doing the wrong thing.


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Depending on how much lift you want it would be easier to lift the front with lift springs or new coil seats.

Hello from a fellow Canuck! Due to the design of the TTB, the springs aren't the problem when it comes to lifting our Ex's. In order to lift them we have to lower the axle pivots and radius arm mounts, and then pray we can realign them. The leaf springs may on their own be chaper than a pair of coils, but by the time you've adressed the other concerns, the conversion to leafs will end up costing more, and you'll likely lose some travel, as coils tend to want to flex more. For more than a couple inches of lift, you'll have to part with some pretty serious coin. In my opinion, if you're gonna blow that kind of scratch, get a solid axle conversion done, as the end results will perform better off road, be much easier to align, and probably weigh less. And yeah, you could get away with leaves... Cheers!

And front leafs will ride rough. Rougher than the TTB does. But it would be rugged. I guess it would be like the older Jeeps in some respects...but as was said it would require a lot of custom work and fabbing.

Thank you all for the feedback, like i said before, it is much appreciated. As far as a rugged ride goes, the main things I tackle in my stock X is mud, and bush trails, so as far as suspension travel and articulation, Im not too too concerned, but I also wanna look out for long term, and (to put it one way) constant pounding of potholes and etc probably would better suit a softer ride. I can already run 32' tires with my stock height (minor rubbing if i crank the wheels) and this is the main reason im looking for height, i figure 33's is a comfortable tire height for myself. If its gonna cost me more and be more of a hassle to convert to front end leafs, then would anybody else be able to give suggestions on small height increases (but not body lifts). I would greatly appreciate it.


Search the site, you will find tons of lifting options with details, pics, etc.

Canadian Rob said:
i figure 33's is a comfortable tire height for myself. If its gonna cost me more and be more of a hassle to convert to front end leafs, then would anybody else be able to give suggestions on small height increases (but not body lifts). I would greatly appreciate it.

It will be a lot of $$ and custom work and hassle to convert the front end to leafs. But it can be done.

Easier and cheaper would be a lift kit. You'll want at least 4" for 33's and really 5" would be better. I would search on that topic, as it has been discussed literally hundreds of times.
