Front end noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front end noise


August 17, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Saleen XP8
Drove the wife's XP8 the other day for the first time in a month and noticed a humming/wop wop noise coming from the front end. Seems to do it with your foot on the gas but goes away when u take your foot off the gas and let it coast. If its a hub wouldn't it make the noise all the time? I don't drive the car much so not sure how long the noise has been going on, you know women they never seem to notice things like that lol.


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check brake pads

Breaks are all new up front.Noise is still there after new tires and a fresh balance. Checked both wheels for play in the hubs and there is no play ay all. I am starting to wonder if its in the friont diff. truck has 105k miles on it and other than this has had no problems


Accidentally posted this earlier today to an older thread, reposting here:
We've got a 99 bauer, was my wife's and she knew that I'd start fixing things if she made me drive it. Had bad pulsing brakes, ABS light on, and a growling sound with some pulsation coming from front end, starting around 30+ MPH and getting louder w/ speed. Not much change with gas or brake, or turning left/right. So first I threw in new discs and pads, much smoother braking, but noise still there. Then I replaced both front bearings. Seems tighter & smoother, but still makes the noise and ABS light still on. I put it up on four jack stands with wheels off the ground and started the car and let it idle in drive, walked around listening for CV joint or other noise, with no luck. still on stands sit in the car and rev it up a little, at ~25 MPH an abs break kicks in in rear, releases when I brake to a stop, but still none of the growling noise from driving, even up to ~60mph. CV boots look tight and shafts don't seem to have obvious slop. Pulled it down from the stands and drove around, sound is still there, definitely from front. After driving a couple of miles, front U-joint is a little hot but there's no slop in it, front differential case seems warmer than it should be, definitely warmer than rear differential case. CV joint cups all cool to the touch. is the differential known for problems? also checked circumference of front tires with tape measure, both seem close to 95"...

You didn't mention anything about the front drive shaft. I had mine rebuilt recently ('97 5.0 AWD). Took 2-3 days to get it back from the shop. In the meantime I drove around and noticed my ride was quieter, until the rebuilt shaft was reinstalled...then some mild noise returned....seems a little quieter since the rebuild.

I have a 1995 Explorer with the exact same problem. I have replaced front brakes and both hub bearings and still have the howling noise? Not sure where to go next?

seems like everyone has this 2003 xlt makes a "humming" sound after 30mph sounds like i have knobby tires on it i just put new brakes on a month ago and still making noise.....guy at autozone said to check my diff fluid on the front
