FSA 20B19 Transmission Shift Hesitation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FSA 20B19 Transmission Shift Hesitation

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I see that my 2020 Explorer has a Field Service Action: 20B19, "Transmission Shift Hesitation"
Anyone have any insight as to what this is about?

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Given all the issues posted here with the 2020 Explorer transmission, I'm not surprised something was forthcoming. I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet but going to guess it may be a software update.


Given all the issues posted here with the 2020 Explorer transmission, I'm not surprised something was forthcoming. I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet but going to guess it may be a software update.


REASON FOR THIS PROGRAM Some of the affected vehicles may be stuck in low gear after first starting the engine, the transmission may exhibit harsh shifting and hesitation. As a customer continues to drive, the vehicle may default to fourth gear. An illuminated malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) with diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) P062C and/or P2243 may be present in memory.
dealers are to reprogram the powertrain control module (PCM) software and clear the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) from the PCM after programming using the Ford Diagnostic and Repair System (FDRS). This service must be performed on all affected vehicles at no charge to the vehicle owner.

Thank you. I believe that is just for those that have the 2.3L engine. Is that correct?


Thank you. I believe that is just for those that have the 2.3L engine. Is that correct?


Yes, 2.3L only. The 3.0L has a TSB, rather than a customer satisfaction program.

Yes, 2.3L only. The 3.0L has a TSB, rather than a customer satisfaction program.
I think this was done for my ST last month after 2 previous check engine lights after cold start. "Reprogram PCM to latest calibration and retest."

Just got my Platinum back from the dealers. It took a couple of days but now it seems to shift better. They claim to have installed an update. So now I'm supposed to drive it normally, no hotrod stuff, for 200 miles. I have great hopes since the continued crappy shifting makes a really nice vehicle a clunker. I don't have any details, just that they flashed the tranny and it will take a while to learn my driving habits.

REASON FOR THIS PROGRAM Some of the affected vehicles may be stuck in low gear after first starting the engine, the transmission may exhibit harsh shifting and hesitation. As a customer continues to drive, the vehicle may default to fourth gear. An illuminated malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) with diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) P062C and/or P2243 may be present in memory.
dealers are to reprogram the powertrain control module (PCM) software and clear the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) from the PCM after programming using the Ford Diagnostic and Repair System (FDRS). This service must be performed on all affected vehicles at no charge to the vehicle owner.

@newmantjn & @DASEXPLORER

By any chance can you either of you scan or take a pic of the bulletin - or "field service action 20B19" - that you received form FORD and post it to the forum within this thread?

That way not only is the info documented in one place, but also any other 2.3 XLT owners that didn't receive the letter (and are having transmission issues) can use the posted info when they inquire with their dealer as to the PCM update.

As to why the request; within this particular forum, I've noticed a pattern with all of the numerous 2020 Explorer issues; some dealers are in the information loop - while others haven't a clue...

That way when someone gets the "shrugged shoulders" from a service advisor despite referencing "FSA 2019" , they will be able to download the actual bulletin - and that's where the rubber meets the road...

Thanks in advance!

I believe the post you quoted was taken in most part from FSA 20B19. It has been copied and posted in the appropriate thread.
All dealers have access to all that info through their systems. OASIS (Online Automotive Service Information System).


I believe the post you quoted was taken in most part from FSA 20B19. It has been copied and posted in the appropriate thread.
All dealers have access to all that info through their systems. OASIS (Online Automotive Service Information System).

My service advisor said if the update doesn't remedy the problems the PCM has to be replaced per Ford recommendation. This last service call took less than 2.5 hours with oil change, tire rotation, air deflector install and wash. Hope the PCM is fixed!

Just got my Platinum back from the dealers. It took a couple of days but now it seems to shift better. They claim to have installed an update. So now I'm supposed to drive it normally, no hotrod stuff, for 200 miles. I have great hopes since the continued crappy shifting makes a really nice vehicle a clunker. I don't have any details, just that they flashed the tranny and it will take a while to learn my driving habits.
I’d think you’d want to drive it however you are going to normally drive.

My service advisor said if the update doesn't remedy the problems the PCM has to be replaced per Ford recommendation.
Thank you. That's why it's nice to see the whole document as you indicated. It appears that it takes a while to get some of these posted on the sites that deal with TSBs/Recalls etc.

I’d think you’d want to drive it however you are going to normally drive.
I've been putting up with this for six months and this is the first time I've been able to get something done about it. I'm willing to do anything they say if the problem will go away. Normal driving for me is not too aggressive so I'll probably be doing what they say anyway.

There's not a lot of information on the Ford site that I found, but attached is the Service Action.


  • Check For Ford® Recalls And Field Service Actions _ Official Ford Owner Site.pdf
    58.1 KB · Views: 501

Thank goodness at least something is being addressed. Some people reported getting notification through their Fordpass app. I did not unfortunately. I have one of the earliest builds out there, and I complained about my transmission from day 1. I would love to get this update, but I'm afraid my dealership will say it does not apply to my VIN or something (since I was not one of the people that got a notification)

You can always go to your account and check for outstanding issues that need to be addressed.


You can always go to your account and check for outstanding issues that need to be addressed.


I did that and there are no outstanding issues. Reading a little further, this only seems to apply to vehicles built in a very small date range. Mine is not in that range. I still do not feel my transmission acts correctly, but I'll have to keep pressing my dealership if needed.

I did that and there are no outstanding issues. Reading a little further, this only seems to apply to vehicles built in a very small date range. Mine is not in that range. I still do not feel my transmission acts correctly, but I'll have to keep pressing my dealership if needed.

What is your transmission doing that make you voice your concern that it isn't operating correctly?

What is your transmission doing that make you voice your concern that it isn't operating correctly?

Especially when cold, it hesitates tremendously on the 1-2 shift. When pulling out of my neighborhood in the morning, I will not pull out in front of traffic, as the vehicle lunges over for a few seconds on the shift. Almost like you turned the engine off for a second or two. After it warms up, it acts normal.

Also, it randomly downshifts quite hard when approaching a stop sign or red light. Not every time, and sometimes quite hard.

This transmission works, but not in a perfectly acceptable way. Especially for a brand new vehicle. Another forum member described their operation as almost identical to mine. I am only at 11k miles, so I have not rushed back to the dealership for this yet. I complained once when it was at the dealership back in January and they told me no software update was available at that time. I am hoping for a fix if I decide to keep this vehicle long term, and after it is out of warranty.

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Buzz...I've been fighting this issue since January. Last week, for the fourth or fifth time I asks the dealer to once again look at the issue. Here's my complaint as written...

Every time I drive the Platinum with a cold engine the transmission stumbles through second gear then a little better through third, and then smooths out. It's really bad until the engine reaches normal operating temperature. I doubt the engine temp has much to do with it but the temperature of the transmission oil does, I assume.
It doesn't matter whether I'm using Sport, Econ or Normal mode. One example involves pulling on to a major street. You can't get a smooth shift regardless of the temperature when you make a right turn from a side street and then accelerate to join speeding traffic. Try pulling out into commuter traffic only to experience a major stumble. It's like the engine quit or it was starved for fuel. It only lasts a second, but it can make your heart skip a beat. I can tell you that I'm really careful about maneuvering into traffic.

And Finally they've responded. Where they've fixed the issue, only time will tell. Here's the write-up from the dealer. Lots of luck.

Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 11.06.58 AM.jpg
