Fuel Economy Tips For 1996 5.0 Limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Economy Tips For 1996 5.0 Limited


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August 23, 2005
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City, State
Kitchener Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Limited
I have recently started driving my explorer and find it to be a preety kick ass truck, 300,000 km on it though but the motor is still in preety good shape. The only thing that is getting me down about it is the gas mileage, im trying to find out the perfect acceleration on hills and any tips on gas would really help me out.

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is this a 2wd or awd truck? just curious

First check your tire pressure. the first thing to do when looking for better mileage is run the highest pressure your tires can take based ont eh vehicle weight. Be warned ride will be more harsh and handling can suffer, but this is the #1 area to improve MPG in my opinion.

Next would be the state of tune of the engine, a engine in good tune will be more efficient, so new plugs, wires, clean the intake components, etc. Air anf fuel filters, fluids, etc.

Next would be to switch to synthetics in the trans and rear axle (both front and rear if a AWD truck)

after that there are lots of little things you can do to help your MPG (or KPL in your case) the best way to find them is to search this forum! A member named Aldive has some excellent mileage increase mods on his truck..


Read the Quest for 30 MPH thread that has a link in my signature.

Good luck ........

thanks for the tips, and by the way it happens to be an awd truck

i would also like to ask what kind of air intakes are you guys using for your explorers?

KKM Kurtz Kustom Motorsport

our stock '97 V8 awd gets exactly what is on the window sticker..14MPG city and alittle above whats on the window sticker at 22mpg highway.

good luck

I use MAC on my 302 as well. Didn't notice much of an increase in mileage. It may be more apparent whenever I eventually get an exhaust.

This is bad time of the year to worry about your mileage, because the cold weather will automatically drop your mileage a lot. IMO, start the MPG worries when summer rolls around.

also if it snows where you live, dont run your tires at full PSI! = slide

I experienced a large gain in MPG when I ran an electric fan instead of the engine driven fan. A good fan clutch is okay, an electric fan is better for MPG.

I also want to know does having overdrive on or off affect fuel economy, just wondering?

sagman82 said:
This is bad time of the year to worry about your mileage, because the cold weather will automatically drop your mileage a lot.
True and untrue.

True because peeps in colder states tend to warm up their vehicles (sometimes too long) and mileage per tank will decrease because of this.

Untrue because colder, more dense air will actually help your mileage while driving as compared to warmer air.

I was also wondering does having over drive on affect gas mileage

midnighttoker79 said:
I was also wondering does having over drive on affect gas mileage

It will help mileage at highway speeds.

My OD is never turned off except for towing.

I turn mine off for around town driving and also for winding mountain roads both up and downhill.

because its stop light to stop light and I never even see 45 mph. Also I am running 4.10's with 35" tires and sometimes when OD comes on its a dog.
This also helps keep me under the speed limit with my 5.0L and I have had two tickets in the last year after not getting one for like 5 years (imagine that)

and because with the OD button, I can :)

i never have my O/D on unless i'm doing 65mph or higher...

with it on it drives me crazy when it cant figure out what gear to be in. + the way i drive its allways down shifting. i like it off..its the first thing i do when i get in..turn the o/d off

i tryed mpg with and without it. also with my instand mpg..no differance.

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sagman82 said:
This is bad time of the year to worry about your mileage, because the cold weather will automatically drop your mileage a lot. IMO, start the MPG worries when summer rolls around.
In some parts of the country, winter formula gas gets worse mileage in most cars.
