Full Width SAS missing detail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Full Width SAS missing detail


January 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Twin falls, ID
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
I am very close to starting my sas and have been searching and searching for different ideas on how to go about it. I have looked at so many different threads i could damn near do most of it with my eyes closed. The one detail i cant seem to find very many pictures/details about is how the coil towers were moved out to match the full width d44 front axle. I have seen one that someone just welded a piece of square tubing in between the frame and the tower but i didn't like that idea seems weak. Would any of you guys that have done a SAS with a full width d44 have any pictures or could you take some for me to show how you have done this and tell me how it has worked out. Thanks in advance.

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I'll have to take some pictures of mine. But I used structural C-channel - 5" I think. Welded it vertically to the frame, with the flat part against the buckets and the open part of the C against the frame. On the drivers side I had to notch the channel a bit to fit when the frame bulges for the steering box.

Consider that the most forse this part will experience will be in the vertical direction. Essentially the buckets support the entire weight of the front of the vehicle. This part will experience very little front to back force or side ways force. These forces are transferred to the frame via your radius arms and trackbar respectively.

Consider that the most forse this part will experience will be in the vertical direction. Essentially the buckets support the entire weight of the front of the vehicle. This part will experience very little front to back force or side ways force. These forces are transferred to the frame via your radius arms and trackbar respectively.

I understand that my concern is that the explorer isn't exactly light and I don't want to crack something.....it all works I'm just hoping for different options as I said most people haven't gone into very much detail or taken pictures of how they did this

Mine has been like this for 9 years. No problems. I do plan to go to coilovers in the future however.

bad pic, but you can sort of see the C channel in between the frame and spring bucket.


duff coil buckets for sas. they move them out 3/4". then wildhorses one piece lower retainers and drill offset holes, about an inch. so thats almost 2" closer in. a buddy of mine measured a d44 and relocated the wedgies for his, math gave him 2.5".
so the ~2" you get from those wont hurt. i have pics somewhere of exactly what im saying from my truck.

edit: pic. i didnt have a trac bar so its lospsided but it really was straight that way
