Fun led to Speedometer Problems... Where to start? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fun led to Speedometer Problems... Where to start?


Active Member
October 31, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Ridgecrest, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xl
:exp:So me and my buddys decide to do the pleasant canyon south park loop yesterday and it was awesome except for the part where we decide to fly a across a dry lake bed covered in melting snow... I was third in line and the leader hit deep snow and got stuck... so I'm coming up on him and i jump off the track and get up on what looks to be solid hard ground... (so decieving...) so i get up there and he winches off to me and pulls him self out and makes it the rest of the way. Well when he winched off to me it pulled me into some dry lake mud and what at one time seem to be hard dry ground turned into a muddy night mare. Anyways after three hours of winching and each vehicle taking turns getting stuck... All six of us. we finally made it across.

So then came the problem. We got out and my speedometer wasn't working. Where shoud I start diagnosing the problem. 92 Explorer 4.0 5 speed manual...

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Look at the vehicle speed sensor, it may have been knocked and fell apart. The speedo cable goes to it at the trans, driver's side. I have seen them pull apart when old.

I got to cleaning all the mud off yesterday and got under to inspect and the cable was clear out of the plastic connector. So i got some oil sealant loctite adhesive that I had sitting on the work bench and glue it back in. Let is sit for a couple of hours then took it for a spin. Speedometer works again!:D

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