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Gas Gauge not right

I'm curious if the OP @shirley klotz posted in the right section. This section is for Sport Tracs and while basic info might be applicable, the 2005 Explorer and 2005 Explorer Sport Trac are different animals. Tank size, sending unit, etc, would model specific, even the tank itself is different. I was rereading the original post and something stuck out to me. The Eddie Bauer Edition emblem being on the trunk. The first gen (2001-2005) Sport Trac's weren't offered in an EB Edition. Hopefully she gets the right part!

Were do I post this to?

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I'm curious if the OP @shirley klotz posted in the right section. This section is for Sport Tracs and while basic info might be applicable, the 2005 Explorer and 2005 Explorer Sport Trac are different animals. Tank size, sending unit, etc, would model specific, even the tank itself is different. I was rereading the original post and something stuck out to me. The Eddie Bauer Edition emblem being on the trunk. The first gen (2001-2005) Sport Trac's weren't offered in an EB Edition. Hopefully she gets the right part!
I'm curious if the OP @shirley klotz posted in the right section. This section is for Sport Tracs and while basic info might be applicable, the 2005 Explorer and 2005 Explorer Sport Trac are different animals. Tank size, sending unit, etc, would model specific, even the tank itself is different. I was rereading the original post and something stuck out to me. The Eddie Bauer Edition emblem being on the trunk. The first gen (2001-2005) Sport Trac's weren't offered in an EB Edition. Hopefully she gets the right part!

Were do I post this to? Which one

I would go to advance auto with vintage number to get part.

Were do I post this to? Which one

I would go to advance auto with vintage number to get part.

The 2002 - 2005 Explorer Mountaineer 3rd Generation sub forum

I would suggest to look for parts on Amazon, eBay or Rock Auto. You'll pay way more at a brick and mortar auto parts store, but the bad advice is free. You don't need your VIN # (vehicle identification number) you just need a fuel pump assembly for a 2005 Explorer. Don't cheap out on price, but don't spend the money on the most expensive one either. Never buy AirTex stuff. Bosch, Delphi, Carter are all good brands. Ford/Motorcraft parts are good, but they are ridiculously expensive.

All you guys talking about getting 300+ miles per tank, and I'm over here filling up under 200....

All you guys talking about getting 300+ miles per tank, and I'm over here filling up under 200....

Once reason is that Sports have smaller gas tanks.
