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Gas Mileage in 2020+ Explorer

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yes it did and 3.0 twin turbo
I would too if I didn't live in an area which is in the top 5 worst traffic in the USA! D.C. is worse than L.A.

i got my average over 18 in mine and not changed my driving style so it must be finally breaking in. really impressed with my 2.3.

theres no content to your message @Adamb1235 just a quote

My '2021 Platinum with the 365HP 3.0L twin turbo is an AWD model. I routinely get 18 mpg in primarily city driving/short trips.
I was surprised to see this sticker on the engine valve cover indicating my vehicles engine is a model year 2020 RWD.


Mine is a 2020 Platinum with all the Bells

My 2021 PIU with the 3.0 400hp TT gets around 15-16mpg in town and at the very most 21mpg on the freeway. PIUs don't have driving mode selection and, of course, being in Florida, the A/C is on whenever ignition is on. :)

Here's a histogram from for 2020 Explorers with the 2.3L engine. Vast majority are getting 20-23 mpg.
View attachment 430052
I guess I'm happy with my mileage then. Computer generated shows 26. The last time I hand calculated the computer was a little over 1 mpg high. Since the gas prices started going through the roof I started driving much more efficiently. Switched from normal to Eco mode. I mostly drive outside normal commuting times and use a steady pressure rather than steady speed approach. Down hills I get going faster but up hills I might not maintain the speed limit. The speed from going down hill tends to keep my fuel usage getting up the following hill lower and increase fuel mileage.

My 2020 platinum V6 long running average sets at 19.2 (which includes a lot of idling while the wife is in stores). On road trips average is 24.4. I have the auto start/stop turned off all the time because it drives me crazy to go dead every time I stop for a light. I don't baby it ever. I have wondered if you could get a little better in "econo" mode??

.........................................I have wondered if you could get a little better in "econo" mode??
I don't know if Econ mode will make that much if any difference at highway speeds. I've never actually switched to that on the highway to see if there is a drop in the RPM. It will, however, retard your power somewhat when staring off and when stepping on the accelerator. The biggest gain you will achieve is by not idling the engine.


My 2020 platinum V6 long running average sets at 19.2 (which includes a lot of idling while the wife is in stores). On road trips average is 24.4. I have the auto start/stop turned off all the time because it drives me crazy to go dead every time I stop for a light. I don't baby it ever. I have wondered if you could get a little better in "econo" mode??
Eco mode does improve fuel mileage quite a bit. As Peter said it does reduce power a good bit, so if you are into stepping on it to get up to speed faster you will be disappointed with performance. I have noticed around town at about 35 mph the performance has a lot to be desired. My average went from 23 mpg to over 26 mpg when I switched from normal to back eco. This was with about 35k on the odo.

now im at 20 mpg still driving exactly the same. thing just keeps getting better. im loving the thing.

19.76 on the last tank. FWIW, the speedometer seems right on. The odometer, not so much. Looks like it's about 3% low on the 275/45x21s
