Gas saving techniques needed! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas saving techniques needed!


New Member
January 13, 2005
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City, State
San Jose, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
omg is my explorer horrible on gas.....Full tank of gas gets like 280-290 miles at the most. I tried some techniques to cut gas consumption(drive around 65 instead of 75, set cruise control, not use ac, not break or accelerate hard....etc) yet I still get this crappy mileage.

Do you guys have any things you do yourself to save gas on?

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Sorry but you aren't gonna improve your gas mileage much without adding stuff like a aftermarket chip, exhaust, etc. Your driving a SUV built on a truck platform not a little Honda Civic. Getting close to 300 miles per tank is better than average.

I know, but i'm talkin about without adding on the aftermarket I know they improve on gas mileage, but do I am juss curious if any of you have any of your own techniques.

Some things I have heard about are remove roof rack cross bars if you have one, keep your windows up, increased psi in your tires but check the specs on your tire so you don't over inflate them. 280-290 Doesn't sound too bad to me, right know I am lucky if I can get over 260 before it hits E. And check out Aldive thread for some more information you may be looking for.

I would say you're doing great. I'm pushing to get 250 out of mine. Although it can be done, just face it that you either drive like an old man, or live with the bad mileage.

AznBufDade said:
I know, but i'm talkin about without adding on the aftermarket I know they improve on gas mileage, but do I am juss curious if any of you have any of your own techniques.

What motor do you have? Are you 4 wd?

Another thing that you cando immediately to improve your mieage is a complete switch to synthetic fluids.

Do take a look at the thread linked above; ot may help you a lot.

Good luck....

^^^ Yeah what he said (Iamtodd), I definately wouldn't be complaining with that kind of mileage, I only got about 260 and that was before my lift & tires and I have a two door. Theres no way your going to see a major increase unless you get some of the mods blee listed ;)

So around 15mpg.. is this mostly in city driving or highway? That's about average. You've gotta stay off the gas pedal, which I can't stand, though I get 17mpg highway. As aldive said, switching to synthetics is good. When was your last tune-up? What was performed?

don't accelerate hard. coasting will also save a little gas. but 280-290 doesn't sound bad, hell that's what my 4 cylinder escort was getting before i stopped driving it.

Aite thanx a lot for the tips.....I reallie thought it was juss me gettin this crappy mileage. I'm basically living at the freakin gas station. Ummm....I drive about 70% freeway, 30% city.

Welcome to owning a truck :)
