Gasket Rebuild and haveing issues starting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gasket Rebuild and haveing issues starting


February 8, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Stockbridge, Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Eddie Bauer
So my neighbors car started to run hot while I was driving it. I took the lower intake manifold off and seen that it had warpage so I replaced that big gasket. Put everything back together and it started right up but I was still getting white smoke from the tailpipe.

So I went and took the engine completely out to re-gasket the whole thing (even put new Cylinder head bolts). While it was out I took a tensioner off the camshaft/crankshaft timing chain but I never removed the chain b/c I realized a split second later that I was not removing the pistons. so I simply put it back. (I mean I truly didn't move the chain) I even checked for top dead center and mark alignment before putting everything back together.

Now that i'm trying to get it to start, it wont. Not even with starting fluid. I have spark,fuel, and of course I'm led to believe air. it seems every connection is connected properly. My firing order is correct.

So any help would be great

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Well, from school years ago I remember learning that you need 4 things for an engine to run: fuel, spark, compression (air), and timing. It sounds like you have it all covered, from what you said.

I suppose "timing" could include computer inputs and outputs. I would go back and ensure everything is back together correctly, including re-seating all the sensor connectors. Maybe a quick compression check is in order too. If you have no compression, then your timing is off.

ok I will check compression once I get back around the vehicle.

A very common mistake people make (I've made it a few times) is plug wires in the wrong spot.

IIRC, it's Specifically the drivers side.. I don't have the diagram here at work, but the driver side and passenger side "order" is different which seems to catch people..


so i end up breaking the engine back all the way down and replaced the piston and piston rings and tightened everything to/within spec and it's not getting enough compression :-( The shop that i had the heads machined at gave me refurbished heads so im not sure if it has anything to do with the heads.

So i figured perhaps my timing was off.

Side note* the compression for 4, 5, 6 was 35, 35, 60 and the pressure held

any ideas before i go and pull engine for the fourth time :mad:

also here is a pic of my timing when i aligned it (srry about pic being so big, i dont know how to make them respectable sizes)

Your timing is dead nuts accurate from the pic, if it was off a tooth it would show.

You said you took it all apart again to re-ring it.. Did you use new head gaskets and bolts this time?

Benjam :D

Your timing is dead nuts accurate from the pic, if it was off a tooth it would show.

You said you took it all apart again to re-ring it.. Did you use new head gaskets and bolts this time?

Benjam :D

Originally when I replaced all gaskets on the first try I did use new head bolts and head gaskets. then it would not start so I disassembled engine and used the same head gasket and head bolts (which have 0 mileage on them).

now is was told to use a copper adhesive spray gasket with the head gasket this time. what do yall gents think about that?

so i put engine back together and now i get NO compression. My readings last time on cylinders 4,5,6 where 35,35,60. But now its pretty much 0 across the board. I cant understand whats going wrong. (Granted i didnt get the block bored but i did hone it and measured cylinder bore). Guess perhaps i should just send the block off to the shop and let them look at the bottom end to make sure it's within spec.

I know you're confident of the timing chain placement, but I would retime the cam, crank and timing chain...seems obvious to me now that there is no compression.
