Gauge cluster swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gauge cluster swap?


Well-Known Member
November 3, 2007
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City, State
Atlanta, Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Sport
Will this cluster from an 01 Sport fit my 96 Sport? Plug and play like?


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It will fit, but your door ajar will not work properly. Instead the "check fuel cap" light will light up. Small things like that. Everything required for proper function of the vehicle will work(aka gauges, turn signals, check gauge light).

So, yes it will work, but keep in mind some lights be different.

Keep us posted on what you do/how it goes.

Well if its just lights I can grab the books at work and figure out what wires need to be repinned for it to work properly.

yep, thats true. If you get all of the wires spliced properly so all of the lights work as they should, you should post up a few diagrams/pictures, plus then you might get some elite privileges.

I'd second that- the green gauges from the '98 and later also have relocated idiot lights as compared to the pre '98 blue gauges. I'm reminded to check my fuel cap when my doors are open since swapping to the green interior lights, among other things. :)

Subscribed! And TIA for the writeup if you have the time to do it.

i have never repinned the harness to match a cluster. i take the gauges out of the new cluster and put them in mine. ive never had to worry about how the cluster is wired this way.

Would be easier to just repin the connector IMO. Ill grab the books tomorrow and figure it out.

And what do you mean pre-98 blue gauges? I dont think mine light up blue, do they?

The ones before 98 light up a blue/green color. Once you see the new gauges, you will then see what is meant by blue.

The newer ones look A LOT better, and the green is much nicer. Look at your window switch. That is the green color that the new ones are.

I changed the wires around when I installed mine. Had A buddy pull his gauge from his 98 and compared the wireing on my 96.
I wrote it all down , will have to find the sheet.

Another problem is the volt meter reads A little low and the temp gauge shoots up until the check gage light comes on.
I just pulled the check gage bulb and and moved the temp gauge needle down. ( never had A working temp gauge anyways :p)

I changed the wires around when I installed mine. Had A buddy pull his gauge from his 98 and compared the wireing on my 96.
I wrote it all down , will have to find the sheet.

Another problem is the volt meter reads A little low and the temp gauge shoots up until the check gage light comes on.
I just pulled the check gage bulb and and moved the temp gauge needle down. ( never had A working temp gauge anyways :p)


I thought that $%$#$% temp gauge was a problem.......

There must be a resistor that can be stuck in there to make it correct.

That means that this temp gauge ACTuALLY works. The one I have will vary 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch depending on how hard you are pushing the engine while accelerating. The old one never moved from dead center.

Edit: I am going to look into putting in an 01 temp sender, maybe that will fix the gauge, unless there is a different resistance on the cluster...

I changed the wires around when I installed mine. Had A buddy pull his gauge from his 98 and compared the wireing on my 96.
I wrote it all down , will have to find the sheet.

Another problem is the volt meter reads A little low and the temp gauge shoots up until the check gage light comes on.
I just pulled the check gage bulb and and moved the temp gauge needle down. ( never had A working temp gauge anyways :p)

Also, I highly recommend AGAINST moving the needle. Moving and replacing them properly will be the biggest PITA imaginable. Trust me, I have experience.

Wow, you want a cookie for hacking the swap? Do it right or dont do it at all.

My temp gauge moves a lot now and reads colder than normal most of the time.

Wow, you want a cookie for hacking the swap? Do it right or dont do it at all.

My temp gauge moves a lot now and reads colder than normal most of the time.

You didn't do anything with your temp gauge?

What do you mean? My stock cluster is still in the truck as of now.

sorry, my bad. Had you confused with somebody:confused:

Are you attempting the swap?

Attempting? No. Doing the swap. Yes. lol

Yeah Im gonna do it. I see the color difference in the cluster and rear wiper, defrost, fog switch too cause there from an 01. Ill also be adding the auto heater/ac control.

I had to swap some of my '95 gauges into the green cluster to get them to work correctly. When the key is turned on, the gauges are re-centered, and I replaced my needles to the correct placement.

There appeared to be a resistor of sorts on a couple of my gauges that were not on the '98 and later clusters.

Wow, you want a cookie for hacking the swap? Do it right or dont do it at all.

damn wasnt tryin to offend you buddy.

I never had A working gauge anyway so i didnt give A crap

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Wow, you want a cookie for hacking the swap? Do it right or dont do it at all.

My temp gauge moves a lot now and reads colder than normal most of the time.

Actually you should give him a cookie for doing the swap because I'm the one who pulled my cluster apart so he could look at my wiring and figure it out WHICH HE DID, so you should give me a cookie too. How is it not done right? The Temp gauage especially is just a dummy gauge, not accurate at all. It's basically there to give you an idea. You want accurate then get some individual AutoMeter gauges and make your own cluster. No need for the attitude. :thumbsup:
