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May 20, 2012
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north carolina
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1999 ford explorer
to put 4.10 gears in my x what all needs to be done? i know u have to put them in the front and in the rear for the trasnfer case to match, but other than that what else needs to be done?

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Just have matching front to rear ratio. May I ask, why are you changing gears? Did you put larger tires on? Have you ever re-geared a differential before?

I am pretty handy with my explorer, but I never attempted to do a ring and pinion. I went to the junk yard and pulled front and rear axle housings and swapped them out.

One thing to do after a gear swap or tire size change is to calibrate your speedometer. If you have a auto tranny your shift points will be off due to the speed of the vehicle being off

Subscribing to this thread. 4.88s are soon to be added to my ST pending time and funds

I am pretty handy with my explorer, but I never attempted to do a ring and pinion. I went to the junk yard and pulled front and rear axle housings and swapped them out.

One thing to do after a gear swap or tire size change is to calibrate your speedometer. If you have a auto tranny your shift points will be off due to the speed of the vehicle being off

if he swaps out the diffs and uses a bigger tire, he won't have to recalibrate as the tire size makes up for how far off the speedo would be,
i put 4:10's axles in mine, and went to a 33 inch tire, speedo was almost perfect, off by about 2 kph,, that's pretty close,, i had 3:73 to start with,,

Just threw 4.88s in my buddies ex and it was a pain, but simpler then we thought. Didn't need to throw it in the oven and freezer to get it in.
Need the kit to put them in though
And making sure the pinion is in the exact spot so when it turns forward and backward is the biggest pain. Using shims are difficult because their so small


yes im putting larger tires on it 35s and wanna have bigger tires but also wanna get he gears right! and i assume 4.56s gears will make it right close to stock

4.56 makes the equivalent gear ratio about 4.06 with 35s according to several calculators i have looked at but a lot of guys with 35s end up getting 4.88s.

The speedo on later 2nd gen explorers gets its signal from the ABS wheel speed sensors, one being on the rear diff reading axle output speed. He will have to recalibrate the speedometer. I do agree though that mechanically from the transmissions perspective, nothing really changes if you get the gear and tire combo correctly matched.

4.88s 35s is overkill by a long shot unless you will be putting bigger tires on it.
With 4.88s you can spin 37s on dry pavement

I have 4:56 gears and 33's with a v8. Works great. 4:88s and 35's would be what I would want, unless its just a straight pavement pounder that never pulls anything. I also assume he has a v6 since its 4x4.

yea v6 4.o OHV 4x4 wwith 3.73 8.8 ford gears in it now.

what would happen if i went to 33 or 35 and didnt change gears? i assume it wouldnt be good!

It would be an absolute dog on the road. Mine's sluggish with stock 4.10s and 35s, but I dont beat the hell out of it. It still moves fairly quick but only if I floor it.

Im thinking about going 37s in the future anyway. Just not sure how much lift an SAS & SOA will net me if I can fit them or not which is why I picked to go with 4.88s. Plus I haul and tow heavier trailers and right now the setup sucks for towing.

Also depends on the tires. Boggers on steel wheels are heavy. A cheesy AT or all weather on aluminum wheels will be way easier to turn. But 33's and stock 3:73 is drivable, but it will dog it down alot. And forget any MPG.

im not concern with MPG to much but im concern that it will bog it down alot i still wanna get up and go if needed!

do yall know how much the gears cost?

with 33's and stock 3.73 gears mine bogs down bad, but i get significantly better economy than stock. I got 17 on the highway stock, and get 20+ now, with city driving both matching

My input starting from a 373 going to a 456 with 33s I NEED 35 or 36s to make it tolerable on the highway and will also put it damn near stock. 456 on my 33s make it practically scream on the highway. But none the less unless you are swapping built axles all you need is the gears and install kits

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i run 4:10 gears with 35's, it's a little bit sluggish, but not much, once off road and in 4lo, it's awesome,,
