Getting rid of ABS light. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Getting rid of ABS light.


!!Drink Beer in Jersey!!
February 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Edison, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer XLT
After i put on my 31's about 6 months ago my abs decided to go cuput. I blew the abs pump somehow and am not going to fix it. Now that i have no abs is there anyway i can make the light on my dash go away? Is there some place that i can disconect my abs so it doesnt send a signal anymore?

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as far as i know, all you can do is pull the guages to remove the bulb. i would also like a confirmation on this one...

An ABS code reader should be able to turn it off.

Monmix- sapogmxr is getting rid of the ABS, not fixing it. so am i. reseting the code wont help much when there is no ABS stuff on the truck... :D

i just took out my fuse for abs today and yea the dummy light is on.. electric tape will fix it ;)

my abs light has been on for a while now. i haven't checked it yet. will a normal code reader like the freebies at autozone pull those codes?

and yeah.. i think electric tape would be easiest fix.

The abs dosnt go through the OBD II. A normal code reader will not pick it up. From what im told only ford has the reader for it. I went to auto zone with a blinking O/d light, fuel cap light, and my abs light and the scanner only picked up my fuel cap light.

Originally posted by james t
Monmix- sapogmxr is getting rid of the ABS, not fixing it. so am i. reseting the code wont help much when there is no ABS stuff on the truck... :D

That would be true.

Note to self
read the whole post.

BTW my code reader does ODB II, airbag and abs.
