Good idea to buy 99 E/Sport w/200k? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Good idea to buy 99 E/Sport w/200k?


New Member
June 14, 2010
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91 XLT
My 91 explorer has died..officially. Needs new transmisson etc and just not worth it. Looking for something new and found a 99 Explorer Sport for 1700$. But, it has 205,000 miles. Not sure what to do.

Here is the ad:This is a 1999 Ford Explorer 2 Door Sport SUV with high mileage that runs very well. 205,000 miles. 4WD gets you through the winter. AC works great for summer. Alpine stereo with CD player. Good tires. Passed inspection last Aug. 2009. Body in good shape.

Any suggestions? Maybe on what to look for when I go see the car in a few days? Or should I just scratch the whole thing b/c of the high milage?

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Not necessarily a scrap- I think I'd find out if they have replaced any parts- if they haven't touched the front end, and the shocks and stuff are worn out, you'll be putting money into it- and you can find a nice Ex for just about the same money with a decent number less miles.

What state?

What motor and tranny.That would be the deal breaker with me.My 2000 has 175,000 but it also has the 5.0 and the 4R70W tranny.All good stuff.:D

If it has the SOHC you need to see if it's had the timing chain recall done on it. Probably has, it's doubtful it would make it to 200K without it.

Definitely check and see what's been replaced or done....records are always good! I bought my '97 last year with 170k on it, and haven't had any major issues, just routine maintenance. 'Course, I also know the previous owners really well!

If it's been kept up, I think it would not be a bad buy....

new (rebuilt, mail order) trans for you're 91 is about 800.. figure 400 to have it installed.

IMO that's a better idea than buying another high mileage vehicle with all high mileage parts. if you buy the new vehicle it will likely develop some similar problem soon which will cost just as much, and you'll be right back to square one again, except this time $1700 poorer.

just curious, how many miles are on you're 91? i honestly think it'd make the most sense (unless it's badly rusted out) from a most money saved in the long term point of view, to replace the trans in you're 91 and continue driving it. unless of course you're just looking for an excuse to buy a different car, which many people do, in which case then by all means buy the new one

^ that was good advice! ^

I grew up in central NY and a 91 that spent it's life in MA wouldn't be what I wanted to buy,most are rot boxes.Honestly if you have some cash kicking around go to Flea Bay and find one out of state with lower miles,you may have to fix some small stuff but at least it will be solid and you have a parts truck.

I also would pass on the 4.0 SOHC because of timing chain issues among other things and weak transmissions.:D
