Got in an accident | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got in an accident

i got in an accident today i just dented my front bumper but i tore up a crysler 300 like it was a paper cup they just dont make cars like they used to anyway i have to go to court because im only 16 and then to traffic school hopefully my parents are pissed because my insurance is gonna go up alot :thumbdwn::thumbdwn::thumbdwn::(:(:(:(

ya my first ok this guy in a crappy little car stopped while going over some railroad tracks and the car in front of me hit him and then i hit her i left like two feet of skid marks

ya my first ok this guy in a crappy little car stopped while going over some railroad tracks and the car in front of me hit him and then i hit her i left like two feet of skid marks

Aren't there only like one set of railroad tracks in Chandler? LOL!!
