Great site from: Uncle Albert | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Great site from: Uncle Albert

Uncle Albert

New Member
March 26, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Spring Grove, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer Sport
Previously owned a 2011 Ford Explorer Limited (still in the family). Got the urge and purchased a 2015 Explorer Sport in July '15. I also have a C5 50th Anniversary Corvette. I totally enjoy my new Explorer and your site. Got bored and started fishing on the net and got lucky. I'm an "aging" gear head that still enjoys the gas pedal once in awhile.

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Uncle Albert, welcome to the forum & the "aging" gear head family as I am one myself. (58).

Uncle Albert, welcome to the forum & the "aging" gear head family as I am one myself. (58).

Hi Mike65,

Gee I wish I was 58 again. I am a little older (71) and wish you the best of luck on your Mustang project. The fastback was my favorite. I almost bought one when I was being discharged from the Army in 1970. Unfortunately I became realistic and purchased a '70 Torino with the 351 Cleveland, four speed, etc.
With a family in the future the Torino had a little more space.

The Ranger is a great truck and hopefully they will make again. I liked your picture of the driveway shot.

My Grandfather had a 1972 Torino when I was growing up. It was the last year that they used points before they started to use electronic ignition systems. I still have his repair books on them. They look like brand new. The quality of the drawings in them is very detailed. You don't see repair manuals like these anymore.

That car was very basic (nothing electronic). It didn't have power locks, windows or even A/C, but it was very reliable, and had a strong engine. The pick up was good for a heavy car. They don't make heavy gauge metal panels like this anymore. The interior was all vinyl with no carpet so it was easy to clean.

70 and 71 were basically the same body style and 72 was a revamp. Regardless of the engine size they were all bullet proof. Yes they were a little heavy, but my 70 stayed with the 350 Novas of the day. I also purchased the shop manual and you are right not like the new ones. We just converted my Son's 68 Ford Galaxy (70 429 c.i.) to an electronic ignition. Great upgrade.

Which brand did you use for the distributor conversion (Mallory, MSD, Accel or another brand)?

Thanks for purchasing an elite membership.

MSD and was purchased from Summit. Although they are all excellent it seems like MSD is the most widely used.

Not at this time. The '68 Galaxy with the 429 c.i. engine needed the upgrade as a "once in a while" driver. We have to mix a small percentage of racing fuel with high octane gas to make it street worthy. All other vehicles in the household are modern.
