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Grille Guard info


Explorer Addict
September 11, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Baton Rouge LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLS Touring
If anyone is interested in getting a nice, rock solid guard for their 3rd gen X, the site is dealsofsteel . look up the explorer 3-piece modular grille guard and there ya have it. 279 bux with free shipping.. cant beat it.

its not too hard mounting the guard but u have to unscrew the bumper from the front to get the screw pieces into the frame. one u have that.. u put the main mount pieces and put that on... then add the light brush guard parts and ur good to go.

this grille guard is meant for light mounting not for winch mounting.

If anyone wants pics of the guard just reply back

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bigapple said:
If anyone is interested in getting a nice, rock solid guard for their 3rd gen X, the site is dealsofsteel . look up the explorer 3-piece modular grille guard and there ya have it. 279 bux with free shipping.. cant beat it.

its not too hard mounting the guard but u have to unscrew the bumper from the front to get the screw pieces into the frame. one u have that.. u put the main mount pieces and put that on... then add the light brush guard parts and ur good to go.

this grille guard is meant for light mounting not for winch mounting.

If anyone wants pics of the guard just reply back

Yeah post some pics up. I would love a grille guard, but I don't want to have to remove my tow hooks, and I think that's where the grille guard mounts.


when u mount the guard u have to remove that small black plastic liner across the front bumper and remove the black cover parts to get to the bottom of the frame

this guard is rock solid and its the perfect place to mount lights..... i strongly suggest it


I got this smitty built from ebay for 100 delivered. Its not too huge to make my gas mileage suffer. It is frame mounted so you can push a car with no issues. It keeps the cars in the city from wanting to park right up agains my bumper.
I was able to slip in the backplate and then the nuts into the oval hole in the frame and use a srew driver to manipulate them. I didn't have to remove the bumper. I used an impact wrench to tighten the main bolts down while I used a screwdriver in the oval hole keeping the nut still. Once it took the washers squashed right down (80foot pounds).

I like that grill guard you got there..nice! :thumbsup:


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haha thanx man

and yea im sure u would do some damage to a car who threatened u... that thing would have more pushing power than mine cuz its closer together

mine suprisingly doesnt weight too much but im sure it affects milage some

Thanks for the tip. I have been searching for a well priced and constructed guard for my 2003 XLS.

its pretty solid... pretty well built.. i recommend it

2002 Explorer Brush Guard

Im looking to get a full brush guard for my 02 explorer...will guards for the same gen f150 fit the explorer as well? or what years have the same frames that i can look for. I found an 05 f150 guard on craigslist but am not sure if itll fit...anyone wanna pitch in?

The guard itself may fit ok but its a 1/2ton pickup so it's slightly wider so ask the guy for a measurement from light guard to light guard from the inside. Otherwise it will fit but you'll need to make custom brackets most likely.

I'm looking to get rid of this is anybody is interested, less than 3 years old, good shape, all hardware and bracket, trying for $125. It's off my 2005



I'm looking to get rid of this is anybody is interested, less than 3 years old, good shape, all hardware and bracket, trying for $125. It's off my 2005



very interested! by any chance is this still for sale??

You are the first person to have any interest in it. I see you are in CA, pm my your address and I'll see how I can ship this and how much it would cost.


