Hammers - Thanksgiving Weekend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hammers - Thanksgiving Weekend


Active Member
January 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Clearlake, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
Just incase you are living in a hole... Carnage 4 The Cause is happening sat nov 29 on the trail 'Back Door'. This is a grass roots club competition, each member from the 5 rig teams will be donating a $100 to Friends of Panamint Valley - they are advocates for all of the Valley and specifically Surprise Canyon. The challenge is which club can run the trail together start to finish the fastest for bragging rights. The last two "carnage's" have gotten magazine coverage and last year's challenge was covered on video. This year's will have video and magazine coverage again.

So come out support the cause, make a donation, buy some merchandise. Or just come watch, there WILL be plenty of wacko's providing quality entertainment.

and just in case you can't make the event, one of the guys on another board I frequent is getting something set up for spectator donations. anything you can give is greatly appreciated.

hope to see some of you out there.
