Have you ever ran out of gas? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have you ever ran out of gas?

Ever ran out of gas?

  • Yes, once

    Votes: 22 36.1%
  • Yes, more than once

    Votes: 15 24.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 24 39.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I did once in my old Cutlass. I filled it up, and must have blown the line from the sending unit in half. I looked down and noticed the gas gauge was moving like the speedo. I looked in the sideview and you could see the gas mist fogging out from under the car. I ran out of gas 2 miles later, and was able to damn near coast into my parking space in the driveway.

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I havent run any of my vehicles out before. I have toyed with the light on several times though. The closest I have had my Ex was what the message center said was "4 Miles till empty".

I have in my mom's 94 eddie, and it sucked balls, going down a hill on a major hwy where there was no where to pull off because they had both sides barricaded in for road construction and down to two lanes for only about half a mile and go figure it chose to run out there :rolleyes: needless to say a few unhappy commuters and the finger of choice!

Yup, once in the explorer. Engine didn't actually die, just lost all power.

I had 5 gallons in the back though cause I knew it was going to happen.

I learned the hard way with my current explorer that 1/8 tank means empty :(

I learned that my explorer gets 16 mpg in Virginia Beach on flat ground, but only 10 mpg in Harrisonburg on steep hills. Luckily I was in my apartment parking lot, which is walking distance to a gas station. This all happened because my gas gauge is broken, so it's always a guessing game for me...

I've gotten into the habit of filling my tank every weekend whether I need it or not. Reason being, I never used to pay any attention to my gas gauge and would run out rather often. I still don't really look at it other than when I start the truck, but I've forgotten by the time I shift. I figure, even when it's on "E," there's still a gallon on the tank, which means I can still make it another dozen miles.

haha i never have, but my sister did once.....in the driveway!.....she went out one morning to start her car before school to let it warm up, and it was new to her, her old one died and she had just got this one. well anyway the car did not have an idiot light to let you know that it was low on gas so she thought there was plenty of gas in the tank for the day.......she started the car up and then went back into the house to let it get all warm inside, when she came back out, it had ran out of gas and dies, right there in the driveway, she was so pissed off..:D

Not run out in the X - can get over 600 miles from full to very nearly empty. Have an LPG conversion; 17 gallon lpg tank, and a 17 gallon gas tank. Very useful on long trips. Ran out in an old volvo estate 2.8 V8; bit of a pain, but not too far to the gas station. LPG is less than half that of gas per gallon in the UK.

once in the x.....in the driveway :p it was before i could even drive my x too! i had no insurance lol

i'm **** about that- i fill up when i hit 1/4 unless i dont have the cash, so ive never run out

Yeah I have once, last truck I owned was an 84 silverado 4x (the one with dual tanks that are outside the frame) I needed to do some work on the fuel system so it was on purpose but at the wrong time (at the time I was on my way to a funeral). I have tried to see about running out of gas with Navajo, but have yet to suceed. best attempt was 18.6 gallons out of 19.

When I was 17 I ran out of gas in a vehicle that had a broken tail light w/ illegal plates and no insurance. A cop pulled over to help and actually used his push bar to get me 100 yards down the road to the next station and never said a word about it.

I purchased a new 1997 dodge ram. It had a pretty generous low fuel light/reserve amount so I got to know about how far I could push it once the light came on (usually 3 days of work commute if I didn't drive anywhere else). Well, one time, two days after the light came on my wife went out after dinner to run errands. She didn't tell me she took my truck - I ran out the next morning on the way to work, in the middle of a very busy intersection, during rush hour. That didn't help our relationship at the time.

I think about twice a week...

..my driveway is really steep and if i dont park backwards, i can't start the mounty...

btw. how long from the time the "light" comes on all the way to empty?? i think i've gone like 20 miles?

Yes, once. Screw that ****! Now I always keep 'er full.

clarkkent said:
btw. how long from the time the "light" comes on all the way to empty?? i think i've gone like 20 miles?

I went 12 on mine.

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