Haynes Repair Manuals for 2002 models | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Haynes Repair Manuals for 2002 models


February 9, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Pine Creek Gorge
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002, XLT
Anyone know why there are four Haynes manuals for the 2002 Explorer ??? (Evidently there is one for 2002 & 2003; one for 2002 thru 2006; one for 2002thru 2007; and one for 2002 thru 2010) ... ??? I have the 02-03 edition, but oddly there is no P0705 code listed.

Also, why would someone charge about $140 for one of these manuals ... See eBay item # 120753606032. Do you guys think that is deliberate or a typo? I tried to report this but there is no category for price gouging. I doubt Pawnbay is going to bite the hand that feeds them. I'm going to call the Federal Trade Commission about this, as I see that quite often on Pawnbay. I recently joined this forum and I thought that as a newbie what if I had opted to buy that manual for that price and then discovered later how I had been ripped off. Well, I would associate the Explorer to the ripped off feeling and that is not fair to this forum.

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It's the updated version of the same book (2002-2003) More pages added to cover the additional model year. They just updated what got changed over the years and made some corrections on the latest edition. Unfortunately there are unfortunate souls who would just buy everything in ebay. Check amazon, for the same book, it's only $17 + shipping. For that price in Ebay I'd buy the Ford Service Manual for over half the cost of that.



Anyone know why there are four Haynes manuals for the 2002 Explorer ??? (Evidently there is one for 2002 & 2003; one for 2002 thru 2006; one for 2002thru 2007; and one for 2002 thru 2010) ... ??? I have the 02-03 edition, but oddly there is no P0705 code listed.

Also, why would someone charge about $140 for one of these manuals ... See eBay item # 120753606032. >>>>>>>>>>

Was the asking price $140 for just one of these manuals or the whole collection of them? If it was $140 for just one of the manuals then someone was smoking too much of the funky weed and was in need of a re-stock and needed some cash. I paid $25 for mine at Advance Auto Parts and have the 2002-2010 manual.

Was the asking price $140 for just one of these manuals or the whole collection of them?

The $140 is just for one manual.

If you put that item number in the search bar, when you get to the item page, you will easily see that. He/she has the little box that you can edit to put the number of copies you want. Whenever I have seen sales offering more than one of the same thing for one price, it usually says its for the whole lot.

Negatives are 168 in the last month. Why would you even consider purchasing anything from a seller with that many negs?

So many other places to buy from for less money.

Haynes manuals should be used for toilet tissue. As a car collector, when I get one with the car, I use it to start fires in my wood-burner. If you want good repair information, lay out the bucks and get the "Ford" service manuals. I picked up a three volume set for the EX for about a "C" note on ebay. Yah... it was a tad dog eared and had some oil fingerprints in it, but it has PERTANANT information, rather than generic, non-specific information.

If you need to know how to remove the hood, Haynes & Chiltons are fine, but if you need good, detailed, technical information AND information on how to pull the hood, don't waste your money on imitation, shade tree manuals.

Do it right the first time.


If you want good repair information, lay out the bucks and get the "Ford" service manuals.

+1 Art. Ford Workshop Manual. Using anything else is like buying certain aftermarket parts.

Negatives are 168 in the last month. Why would you even consider purchasing anything from a seller with that many negs?

I'm not considering it. I never said I was considering it, and if I posted about being aware of this scam, then I think it is fairly certain that since I know about this scam, I most likely would not be considering it. Make sense?

Haynes manuals should be used for toilet tissue. As a car collector, when I get one with the car, I use it to start fires in my wood-burner. If you want good repair information, lay out the bucks and get the "Ford" service manuals. I picked up a three volume set for the EX for about a "C" note on ebay. Yah... it was a tad dog eared and had some oil fingerprints in it, but it has PERTANANT information, rather than generic, non-specific information. If you need to know how to remove the hood, Haynes & Chiltons are fine, but if you need good, detailed, technical information AND information on how to pull the hood, don't waste your money on imitation, shade tree manuals. Do it right the first time. Art

Well, I like factory info too, but even that is not infallible. I have seen plenty of typos and problems with factory service info. On the other hand, I have found Haynes to be very helpful and better than having nothing. Bottom line is both can help or hurt. Factory is great for details if you need details. I like the pics Haynes does which many factory manuals do not even contain. As for Chilton, now there is a candidate for toilet paper, but even then I prefer Charmin.

Anyone know why there are four Haynes manuals for the 2002 Explorer ??? (Evidently there is one for 2002 & 2003; one for 2002 thru 2006; one for 2002thru 2007; and one for 2002 thru 2010) ... ??? I have the 02-03 edition, but oddly there is no P0705 code listed.

Also, why would someone charge about $140 for one of these manuals ... See eBay item # 120753606032. Do you guys think that is deliberate or a typo? I tried to report this but there is no category for price gouging. I doubt Pawnbay is going to bite the hand that feeds them. I'm going to call the Federal Trade Commission about this, as I see that quite often on Pawnbay. I recently joined this forum and I thought that as a newbie what if I had opted to buy that manual for that price and then discovered later how I had been ripped off. Well, I would associate the Explorer to the ripped off feeling and that is not fair to this forum.

So if you WOULD have bought it, you would associated the scam with this forum and/or the make of the vehicle? I guess I don't understand that logic.

Sure glad we dodged THAT bullet!:D

So if you WOULD have bought it, you would associated the scam with this forum and/or the make of the vehicle? I guess I don't understand that logic.

Sure glad we dodged THAT bullet!:D

If you wrote what you wrote because you are defending the integrity of the Explorer forum, then forgo the below reply explaining the logic, because, I too, am trying to defend the integrity of this forum, against a greedy pawnbay seller that might take advantage of an Explorer newbie. The problem with texting is that it often leaves out ones intentions, motivations and perspective. If people had to explain why they were writing what they did to the nitpickers all the time the posts would be too long.

If you dont understand the logic, well, on every car enthusiast forum, there are many members that will recommend getting a Haynes or Chilton manual ... as for the rest of the logic that might follow, just re-read the thread and you'll see what others think of Haynes manuals; off topic/focus btw, I only posted about price gouging, not about the quality of the information in Haynes manuals.

In your reply you used the term "we" ... Who is we? Who do you represent? Are you defending or against Haynes manuals?

Btw, about THAT bullet. If you think about many financially sponsored forums' and the no price talk rules, and how to post text without offending possible secret or silent sponsors, etc., but at the same time trying to alert other new forum members about outrageously, greedily priced manuals out there ... well, maybe the logic starts to fit ... I have often seen where a forum moderator has banned, or deleted certain posts, etc., because one of their sponsors complained about mentioning prices. For example, there is a well known audio-visual forum that will not allow price talk. I suppose because when the truth gets out about their sponsors inferior models/products and their cost, compared to other products and costs, sometimes these sponsors lose business. Follow the money if you want to know the truth.

It's the updated version of the same book (2002-2003) More pages added to cover the additional model year. They just updated what got changed over the years and made some corrections on the latest edition. Unfortunately there are unfortunate souls who would just buy everything in ebay. Check amazon, for the same book, it's only $17 + shipping. For that price in Ebay I'd buy the Ford Service Manual for over half the cost of that.



I'm interested in a Ford Service Manual for my '02 Explorer, where would one go to get one?

If you wrote what you wrote because you are defending the integrity of the Explorer forum, then forgo the below reply explaining the logic, because, I too, am trying to defend the integrity of this forum, against a greedy pawnbay seller that might take advantage of an Explorer newbie. The problem with texting is that it often leaves out ones intentions, motivations and perspective. If people had to explain why they were writing what they did to the nitpickers all the time the posts would be too long.

If you dont understand the logic, well, on every car enthusiast forum, there are many members that will recommend getting a Haynes or Chilton manual ... as for the rest of the logic that might follow, just re-read the thread and you'll see what others think of Haynes manuals; off topic/focus btw, I only posted about price gouging, not about the quality of the information in Haynes manuals.

In your reply you used the term "we" ... Who is we? Who do you represent? Are you defending or against Haynes manuals?

Btw, about THAT bullet. If you think about many financially sponsored forums' and the no price talk rules, and how to post text without offending possible secret or silent sponsors, etc., but at the same time trying to alert other new forum members about outrageously, greedily priced manuals out there ... well, maybe the logic starts to fit ... I have often seen where a forum moderator has banned, or deleted certain posts, etc., because one of their sponsors complained about mentioning prices. For example, there is a well known audio-visual forum that will not allow price talk. I suppose because when the truth gets out about their sponsors inferior models/products and their cost, compared to other products and costs, sometimes these sponsors lose business. Follow the money if you want to know the truth.

Here's a nutty idea: How 'bout sending a message to the seller and asking about the price discrepency?

I sent him a message this morning and, sure enough, it's a problem with Ebay. Here's his reply:

There was a data issue that we have contacted Ebay to correct.

- gohastings

Anyone buying on Ebay should be doing due diligence to avoid getting ripped off. If you can't be bothered to do that, then please don't hypothetically complain about the vehicle or this forum when you end up paying over 600% over list price for anything off ebay. It only took me 45 seconds to send a message to the seller and a few hours to get the reply. Not a whole lot of time considering it can save you significant money, not to mention finding out if the buyer is legit in the first place. I never do business with anyone on ebay who won't answer a simple question in a timely manner.

You said:

Also, why would someone charge about $140 for one of these manuals ... See eBay item # 120753606032. Do you guys think that is deliberate or a typo?

All it took was a few seconds to send a message, something you could've done yourself, to find out it was a problem with ebay. You could have also looked at the sellers other items and found most of his books were selling for reasonable prices so most likely, this was an anomoly.

I tried to report this but there is no category for price gouging.

You're right. I guess Ebay assumes people will be smart enough to make that call themselves and not buy something that is so overpriced, a reasonable person would simply go to another auction and pay what he knows the item is worth to him.

I doubt Pawnbay is going to bite the hand that feeds them. I'm going to call the Federal Trade Commission about this, as I see that quite often on Pawnbay.

My experience on Ebay has been very good so I don't think you've got a whole lot of leg to stand on there. As for the FTC, don't be surprised if they send you in more than a few circles. I would much rather they concern themselves with more important stuff than this. Especially since you could've solved it yourself instead of, literally, making a federal case out of it....or threatening to anyway.

I recently joined this forum and I thought that as a newbie what if I had opted to buy that manual for that price and then discovered later how I had been ripped off. Well, I would associate the Explorer to the ripped off feeling and that is not fair to this forum.

And THAT is what most would refer to as not too logical. Nobody wants to be ripped off but to complain about a hypothetical that didn't even happen and then make claim to associate it with this very helpful, very straight-forward forum, well.....it just doesn't make any sense to me. Others may have another opinion.

Ebay actually is latin and translates into "Buyer Beware". I suggest you stick to only buying from stores you can walk into and select the item yourself and be able to question the proprietor about his pricing structure. It will save the feds a lot of time.:D

REPLY: Why would I do that, when I already own a copy of it, AND only paid $5.xx out the door. I cant believe you actually took the time to do that, already knowing that whether it was a mistake or deliberate, you should avoid it. Are you considering buying this book? I think you spoke to soon, you forgot to mention what the seller was asking for the book, so, perhaps your real motivation is to nitpick and not be helpful at all. Are you being treated by a doctor for an obsession/compulsion/control disorder? ... because I would really hate to see the book length reply you would post for a repair issue ...

Anyone buying on Ebay should be doing due diligence to avoid getting ripped off ... [deleted to save readers the agony of redundancy]. I never do business with anyone on ebay who won't answer a simple question in a timely manner
REPLY: Gee really, you dont say! Uh, what is the second question / topic in the OP? worded as a heads up, a tip off, a Caveat Emptor! But you want to hijack this thread and take credit for the warning. eBay is replete with stolen items, damaged items, beat items, discontinued and clearance badly designed items. And sellers have become very adept at hiding problems by omitting pics and descriptions. All buyers eventually learn this truth

My experience on Ebay has been very good so I don't think you've got a whole lot of leg to stand on there
REPLY: Statistical Fact: eBay has approximately 10,000 buyer complaints daily! Less than 1% of the over one million transactions daily, but still a tremendous amount. Btw, I know a guy who is selling a bridge, you interested!? ROFL

Ebay actually is Latin and translates into "Buyer Beware"
REPLY: That is the most moronic statement I have ever heard. The E in eBay stands for electronic or Ethernet. The bay part is obvious, either the San Francisco bay area or bay as in a place for holding something.

Here is a copy about eBay from WIKIPEDIA:

The company officially changed the name of its service from AuctionWeb to eBay in September 1997. Originally, the site belonged to Echo Bay Technology Group, Omidyar's consulting firm. Omidyar had tried to register the domain name echobay.com, but found it already taken by the Echo Bay Mines, a gold mining company, so he shortened it to his second choice, eBay.com.

Caveat Emptor is Latin term for Buyer Beware. Ask any first year law student. Having said that, I suppose I should thank you for exposing yourself, because now I know who not to trust any replies about repair issues. Have a day
