Hella's wont turn on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hella's wont turn on


Explorer Addict
December 9, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Smithtown, Long Island, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport 4x4
I went to flip my Hella's on the other night and I got no response. Upon checking my fuse box I found I had blown the 15 amp fuse. Ok, so I replaced it. Two days later it blew again and this time I put in a 20 amp fuse, thinking that the amperage was too strong for that little fuse and the next day that blew too. I have absolutly no idea why this is doing this, maybe it's becasue I tied the grounds for my fogs and Hellas together? If anyone has any advice or help on this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advace.

Ryan Kelso
93 Explorer Sport 4x4
K&N Drop In
ProComp Pro Runner Light Bar
Stull Billet Grille
Hella 500's
Blue Opta Fogs
GTS Blackouts all around
Kenwood and Kicker Stereo


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Ryan - are you switching to the 15 amp fuse or is that where you are drawing your power? 15 amps SHOULD be enough for 120, unless that fuse is being actively used by something else. ALSO, check to make sure that all wires are grounded and not "sparky" in any areas (no exposed wires is what I mean). When I had my Hellas (bad lights) on my F-150 when I was hooking them up I had some exposed wires and accidentally touched them together while the battery was plugged in, the result was a big spark, and a blown radio fuse. I have my lights all drawing off of their own seperate 30 amp fuses located in a fuse block underneath my rear seat. That way they are getting dedicated power, but the SWITCH is wired into my 15-amp radio fuse (switch only requires about .125 amps per switch so I'm not using up a lot of power there), haven't blown that one since I started using PIAA's Dead Link Removed.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"

I originall had a 15 amp fuse in my fuse block, that blew so I replaced it with another 15 amp fuse, then that blew and I put in a 20 amp fuse and that blew, now I am without lights. The 15 amp fuses blew mostly when I would drive around all day with them on and make some stops where I would turn them off. Then I would go again and turn them on. Hope this helps a little.

Ryan Kelso
93 Explorer Sport 4x4
K&N Drop In
ProComp Pro Runner Light Bar
Stull Billet Grille
Hella 500's
Blue Opta Fogs
GTS Blackouts all around
Kenwood and Kicker Stereo


Ryan -
I share your pain. I have Hellas also and have been blowing the in-line 25amp fuse for the last few months - - turn on and good, then turn off and that seems to blow the fuse. Wiring appears good.
Don't know the fix, but can't can't justify the expense of PIAAs...

Anyone else with ideas??


Ryan and Paul - are either of you going to Moab? I'd be happy to try to troubleshoot them a bit but its tough to do without seeing them... not sure I could fix the problem but hey, you never know, sometimes it helps to have a fresh set of eyes look at a problem because they might see something you don't.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy" http://bart.is-s.com/~explorers/explorer/explorer.html

[This message has been edited by mattadams (edited 04-21-2000).]

I wish! I am going to run through the wiring tomorrow and see if I can find the problem.

Ryan Kelso
93 Explorer Sport 4x4
K&N Drop In
ProComp Pro Runner Light Bar
Stull Billet Grille
Hella 500's
Blue Opta Fogs
GTS Blackouts all around
Kenwood and Kicker Stereo


Matt -
I'll be there, probably get in by Thursday. Make me a great offer on some PIAAs... Dead Link Removed.


Paul - sorry man, wish I could... I have no control over the pricing and so forth. I might however be bringing some more PIAA's with me to be given away like I did at Truckhaven - that's still uncomformed as of yet though, I'll know by then hopefully Dead Link Removed.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"
