HELP! HELP! Relay Location | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! HELP! Relay Location


Well-Known Member
August 7, 2006
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The center of Hell, Parker, Arizona!
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'91 XLT
Where is the fuel pump relay located on a 91 splorer??? My fuel pump will not shut off, even with key off. I have to pull the pump relay fuse or battery cable to get the pump to shut off. I'm thinking a stuck relay.

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Look under your fuse box in your engine bay. Pull the fuse panel up, and underneath it will be a little box full of relays. That is where your fuel pump relay is. Probably be 3 in yours, IIRC it is the one closest to the firewall. Pull the relay out, and then put it back in, your problem may actually go away. Mine was doing the same not too long ago.

If it's the same as my 94' then it's located in the fuse box on the passenger side of the engine compartment, just to the rear of the air cleaner box. I think it was the second relay from the firewall, on the side of the panel closest to the engine. (IIRC)

Tbars you are awesome!!! I found that thread about 10 minutes after I asked for help. My feeble mind sometimes forgets to search before I ask. That is a fantastic thread, it should be a sticky.

I got an autozone relay in there now till my local Ford parts man gets one in for me. The fix took about 15 minutes after I found the relay location.

that really should be stickied...

...Glad you found it useful...:biggthump

...It is in the "Useful Thread" listings and I know a lot of people look for it...It just never gets comments so it's gotten buried...The important thing is, we all have a place to come and share with each other...;)
