HELP, I don't know where to start | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP, I don't know where to start

Oh yeah, half the instrument clusters light don't work..... I need to source that out too

a common problem and easy fix! the bulbs behind the cluster like to burn out. Just take the cluster apart and replace with 194 bulb at advance or wherever. like 3 bucks for all 6 bulbs

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thanks for all the help...... I'll be testing out ideas tomorrow

Bad grounds and contacts, new cables and some sanding and it seems to be running good, Hooray!

Cool!! and no more weird codes?

Wow! $5500!!! Good luck with that

Don't get me wrong, it looks nice, but $5500 would get me nice 3rd gen Explorer.

when putting something up for trade on craigslist go high. If someone wants to make a cash offer then they will. If you put your cash price low in a for sale or trade add you get bombarded with 2000 dollar cars who's high retail is 3500. Somebody could walk away with the mountaneer, cash, at a much lower price. Any one who inquires with cash offerings gets told the deal.
