Help - loose driver seat in 2000 Explorer Sport 4x4! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help - loose driver seat in 2000 Explorer Sport 4x4!


September 26, 2004
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I just recently bought a 2000 Explorer Sport and I have a problem with my driver seat. The front left part of the seat frame is not attached to the motorized track and the seat therefore tilts to the left when I sit in it. I took the car into the dealership and they were unable to find an easy solution for me. There only answer was I'd had to replace the whole seat! I've taken some pictures of my problem and I would appreciate any advice from you guys and gals! I'm not sure if a bolt had snapped and if it was riveted to the track.





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The picture is kind of fuzzy but what it looks like is that the hole that the bolt use to go through rusted open making the hole to big for the bolt to grab onto somthing whenyou tighten it. If this is what I'm seeing then you have a couple of things you can try. 1. Take the bolt out and get a large washer that will go over the hole put the bolt through it and tighten it down or you can have someone weld it up for you. By no means should you have to buy a whole new seat. Or you could even just buy a new track for the seat. Oh yeah if your welding be very careful and make sure everything in your interior is covered becasue sparks can fly.

my dad has a 2001 x sport and i have a 99 sport we both had our explorers in for different recalls one that sticks out in my mind is we both had something done to our seats but i dont exactly remember what but it was some kind of seat bolt

thanks for the advice. I will see if I can fix it this weekend.

Yeah, there is a recall for this, some of the bolts are know to break. Take it to Ford, they'll take care of it.
